Domestic and Foreign Policies

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Domestic and Foreign Policies

Throughout our history, many policies have been made to deal with domestic or

foreign issues or conflicts. One example of domestic policies were the reforms FDR

created called the New Deal. An example of a foreign policy was that of containment

used after WW2.

In the 1930's our country and many others around the world went through a

financial depression. The Depression was mostly attributed to the stock market crash in

1929. President Hoover who served before FDR tried numerous things to try and help

cure the depression. But by the time FDR was elected in, the depression was still very

much present. FDR was open to many different ideas to try and fix the economy. The

government programs he initiated were part of his domestic policy called the New Deal.

President Roosevelt wasted no time once he got into office. Within the first One-

Hundred days of his first term he made more important changes than previous presidents

had made in the whole 1920's. The president clearly showed the nation that he would try

and fix the problems with all he could possibly do.Some people called FDR's, New Deal,

alphabet soup, because the reforms were new government agencies with acronym

abbreviations. One belief of President Roosevelt was that the government should help the

needy directly. One new government agency implemented in 1933, that demonstrated this

belief was the Public Works Administration or the PWA. The PWA put people to work

by having bridges, highways, dams, and other public projects built. One very important

change that FDR made was establishing the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The

FDIC provided ins...

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...eir own. But the

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution is what enabled Johnson to send military aid. From Johnson's

presidency through to President Nixon we saw involvement in Vietnam that eventually

ended in United States failure. We left the situation unfinished with the South Vietnamese

to finish without U.S. aid. With Nixon came the beginning to the end of the cold war and

foreign policy of containment. Nixon began to practice a foreign policy called détente

which was an attempt to reduce tension between the United States and Soviet Union.

These policies whether domestic or foreign are greatly influenced by our nations

presidents. There effectiveness reflects on the presidents ability to lead, and the character

and attitude of the general public. These policies often have a great impact on our society.

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