FDR and the Depression

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As a society, we often judge people solely by what is said of them or by them; but not by what they did. We forget to take into account the legacy that one leaves behind when they sometimes fail at completing the current task. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the charismatic man who stood at the helm of American government during the most trying decade in our brief history, the 1930s, set out to help the “common man” through various programs. Many historians, forgetting the legacy of the “alphabet soup” of agencies that FDR left behind, claim that he did not fix the Great Depression and therefore failed in his goal. What this essay desires to argue is that those historians are completely right. Through his many programs designed to help the economy, laborers, and all people lacking civil rights, President Roosevelt did not put an end to the Great Depression; however he did adapt the federal government to a newly realized role of protector for the people.
Perhaps Roosevelt’s greatest blunders occurred in his attempts to fix the economy. The Nation claimed that “some [of his programs] assisted and some retarded the recovery of industrial activity.” They went so far as to say that “six billion dollars was added to the national debt.” All of this is true. Roosevelt’s deficit spending, provoked by the English economist John Maynard Keynes, did add to the already high national debt while his programs did not solve the record-high unemployment rate. This “enormous outpouring of federal money for human relief and immense sums for public-works projects [that] started to flow to all points of the compass” and nearly doubled the nation’s debt also brought about many changes that were, in a large sense, revolutionary (Document C).

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...black waves of war rolled through both the Atlantic and Pacific and threatened to drown the “sleeping giant” that lay in-between. Only then did the unemployment rate drastically decrease because instead of more people needing jobs, more people were needed for jobs that would help manufacture weapons for Great Britain and eventually the US. Additionally, he, in a way, hurt the economy through deficit spending. However, he expanded the federal government, and especially the executive branch, so that it could help the American people in the decades to come. He set a precedent and established a legacy that, if elected politicians remember to serve the people, will live on. Through his aggressive legislation, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt paved a road to a future where workers are respected, minorities treated equally, and government is truly “for the people.”

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