Domestic Violence And Human Trafficking Essay

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In this paper, the topic of the marginalization of female victims by the criminal justice system will be discussed. With the rise in popularity and knowledge of feminism and the feminist movement, this topic has become increasingly more important and relevant over the years. This paper will concentrate on domestic violence and human trafficking.

Domestic Violence Domestic violence is defined as “a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner. Domestic violence can be physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological actions or threats of actions that influence …show more content…

Prostitution is also a recognized but also widely debated form of sex trafficking according to Chaung, (as cited in Kubasek and Herrera 172). The problem many women and minors who are prostitutes face is that they are punished as prostitutes rather than treated as victims of human trafficking (Kubasek and Herrera 173). There is no federal legislation for human trafficking in the United States but there are several similarities across the states (as cited in Kubasek and Herrera 179). The United States government has attempted to irradiate prostitution in different ways. Criminalization or making it illegal, is the first example and it has been done in every jurisdiction in the United States except for eleven counties in Nevada according to the Federal and States Prostitution Laws, (as cited in Kubasek and Herrera 183). These counties practice legalization or regulation which makes it a legal and is taxed by the government, as said by Id, (as cited in Kubasek and Herrera 183). The final approach is decriminalization and according to Day, there is a distinct difference between voluntary and involuntary prostitution (as cited in Kubasek and Herrera 183). Involuntary prostitution as stated by Id,” involves force, coercion, and/or child prostitution” is

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