Giovanni Bellini Doge Loredan Essay

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Bellini, Doge Leonardo Loredan The subject of the Doge Leonardo Loredan by Giovanni Bellini, (1501) is naturally a portrait of the painting’s title, which was painted upon his ascension to the position as head of the Venetian state in 1501. According to Kloss (2011), the word Doge is the Venetian word for Duke. The context reflects the political climate in Italy when the Doge, (Head of State) had limited power from a constitutional charter and was elected for life to the office from the aristocracy by his peers. Customarily, Doges who were elected were older and not expected to live very long; thereby not allowing one person to remain in power for a lengthy period of time. Doge Leonardo Loredan surpassed his life expectancy and lived for twenty years: during one of the most dangerous periods for the survival of the Venetian Republic. The Papal States, the Holy Roman Empire, the French, and other powerful enemies, were arrayed against Venice. Venice 's long power and richness made it many enemies but the Republic during this period, closed ranks around Doge Loredan, and steadfastly held off the combined enemies. Partly through luck, partly through courageous action and survived that …show more content…

Kloss describes the positioning of the subject in relation to the sunlight and its illumination of the Doge’s pupils; he suggests that the subject looking toward the sun late in the day alludes to his age and wisdom (L19, 04:38). As discussed by Kloss (2011) referring to the depiction of the doge’s garments, Bellini’s “palette is vivid, but subdued; it 's a restricted palette, in the wonderful cape with its damask, which is woven with golden thread. Quite extraordinary! It 's a strong pattern, but it is subdued in color. And the same is true in his doge 's cap. This is the typical ducal cap with the horn shape on the back of it” (L19,

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