Dog Comparison Essay

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My dogs (Cosmo and CJ) have many characteristics that are often attributed to humans. Dogs are not as evolved as people, so they do not always display the characteristics in the same way humans do, but they definitely have a lot of qualities that are human-like. People who do not have dogs may not understand the similarities between humans and dogs and only think of dogs as pets. But my dogs show and read emotion, play and exercise, communicate, learn, and socialize, just like humans do. My dogs show and read emotion just like a human would. For example, they show affection by cuddling, kissing, and jumping on me when I walk in the house. If I am playing with one of my dogs, the other one will whimper out of jealousy because he wants to …show more content…

Even though my dogs can’t talk, they can communicate what they are thinking. When my dogs want to go outside in the backyard, they knock on the back door. When they want to go for a walk, they knock on the front door. I know that when Cosmo and CJ drop a toy on my lap, it means they want to play. If I am in my room with the door closed, they hit the door with their paws when they want to come in. I also know when they want food and water because they scratch their bowls. Obviously, they are not using words, but they are clearly communicating what they want or …show more content…

My mom’s job is a dog sitter; therefore, my dogs get joyfully excited when new dogs come to our house. They make friends just like humans make friends. Just like people, Cosmo and CJ like certain dogs and humans more than others; and I (like the parents of children) try to teach my dogs that they need to be nice to all of the dogs and guests in our house. My dogs also get excited when they see a dog walking across the street because they want to play with him; just as a human would react if they saw a friend walking across the

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