Does Teacher Bias: Do Students Make?

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When students file out after class, chatter about “The Project” fill the halls with noise. They discuss the matter seriously, analyzing every aspect of why one person failed while another got a hundred. One of the popular explanations that come up is: “Oh she likes her better than me. That’s why she got a hundred.”

A question arises here: Is teacher bias towards students real, or is it just one of the absent-minded complaints that students make? Do SIS teachers have preferences? Teacher bias is when teachers, either consciously or unconsciously, show favoritism or contempt towards certain students. As integrity is something that is greatly emphasized in SIS, it is important that teachers and students both believe that favoritism isn’t present in the SIS community. Therefore, it is crucial that we know both sides of the story: Do teachers and students have the same thoughts about favoritism?

Of course bias is something that often …show more content…

In a survey that 81 students took, it shows that 72.8% of the students believe teachers prefer some students over others, 25.9% saying that they sometimes think they do, and only 1.2% responding that they don’t believe teacher preference exists in SIS. The more shocking part of the survey is that 77.8% of the students thought that favoritism affects their grades, which is over three fourths of the students who took part in the survey. Because students are much more sensitive to grades, the statistics may not be as reliable. However, 79% of the students responded that they think teachers are kinder to some students than others. 18.5% said that they were not sure, leaving only 2.5% to say that they do not think teachers show more kindness to some than others. This not only depicts the appalling results, but also the lack of trust between students and

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