Does Talia Trane: Does Technology Make Us More Alone?

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From personal experience Talia Trane can say that technology makes us more alone. This is because it makes it so people don’t talk face to face as much as they should. And we learn to look at a screen more than practice our social skills. Getting off electronics makes it so people stop,look around, and do something different that might be more fun. This is a topic that a lot of people are debating about today. Technology is making us more alone because instead of interacting with our friends in person, we are dependent on using our phones or tablets. We start to compare ourselves and our lives to others because of how many likes we get on our Instagram photos. We are forgetting how to use our basic communication skills because we aren't interacting …show more content…

The more time you spent on your phones and tv the harder it will be for you to interact and talk to people. Research has shown that people who have lots of friends tend to be happier, healthier and they live longer than the ones who don’t have many or any friends in real life(Benny,1). These prier paragraphs prove why it is so hard for people to talk with each other and why they are so lonely. Because their spending to much time on their electronic devices. It also shows that being on our electronics (and being lonely) is really not good for us. While being on social media or texting other people people might feel connected but once they get off are they really? What that is saying is, When we are talking on digital media, We really aren’t really interacting with people they are talking through a screen. And that is what the evidence above is talking about. So What? Electronics making people lonely is a big deal. It’s a big deal because like it said in the paragraph earlier ,“Being on your phone makes you alone,And being lonely is a big deal. Research revealed that being lonely is even more dangerous to your health than being overweight. Loneliness can increase your risk of dying by 26%”(Benny,1). That matters because most people want to live a long healthy life. And thats why not being lonely

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