Can Technology Simply Dehumanize Us?

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Most people would agree that the technological advancements that humanity has made, since the dawn of time, are truly remarkable. Technology, even in the simplest forms, helps humanity. It may come as no surprise to hear that, but even with all the positives things that technology offers us, can too much technology actually hurt us? Can technology potentially dehumanize us? Computers, cell phones, fridges, etc. are all amazing technological inventions that help us in our everyday life, but have we become too accustom to depending on technology? After all, our ancestors were able to survive without a lot of the technology that we have today. Have we become too invested in our screens as opposed to face to face relations? Couldn’t too much technology dehumanize us in some way? For example, many people would rather talk to someone on the internet, specifically through some form of social networking, instead of actually going out and meeting them in person. Many people today would rather stay inside …show more content…

I include this because this could be a limit that technology has crossed. For example a man or woman who likes to watch too much television and barley gets outside could easily become depressed because they are hidden away from the world, from people to talk to, or they could be meeting people but have high standards or false expectations from television shows that they have watched. Television is not the only technology that could impact a person emotional health, a computer, a cell phone, household appliances, and many more could have the same effects. In an article I read an article named Impacts of technology readiness on emotions and cognition in Brazil, it states that it depends on the consumer’s readiness to absorb the technology. So I think that the limit to technology should spend not only on the need of the product but the readiness of the world for the product and or

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