Technology Is Ruining Society

785 Words2 Pages

When thinking of killing, drugs and nudity, I’m pretty sure not many people think of positive ideas. Electronics, such as television and computers, show these kinds of things regularly. Despite this explicit material, some people see the constantly improving technology as a wonderful addition to our lives. Yet as time passes, more and more people start to have doubts about what these developments in technology are leading to. Kids and teens should be playing and using their imaginations; instead they devote countless hours on various electronics ranging from tablets and computers to phones and TV’s. These inventions often show explicit and inappropriate material which corrupts children, and are slowly ruining society’s social skills. Various electronics are frequently used to go on pointless websites, such as Twitter and Facebook, which ruin society’s social abilities. More and more people use social media on the internet as a communication source. This does not apply merely to kids and teens, but adults as well. Using these sorts of websites as a way of communicating causes many individuals’ social skills to decrease. A plethora of children and teens would rather stay inside and interact with their friends through the internet than go hang out with them. Before technology people were not afraid to go up to a random person and talk to them. Now many friendships form through the internet and these friendships are not genuine. When these “friends” meet in person, they find nothing to talk about. For example, I remember after watching Perks of being a Wallflower, a movie taking place in the early nineties, my friends and I discussed how all the characters communicated in person and during hanging out they played games and talked. Now... ... middle of paper ... ... but the personal relationships they could form at home or at work are ruined because of the surplus hours individuals spend with their electronics. Computers, TVs, and various other electronics not only hold the capacity to destroy humanity, but already began to extinguish it. Because of these inventions, people of all ages are affected negatively. Society’s social skills and morals dramatically decreased since the thriving of technology. Some people do not see the downsides to these sources of entertainment; all they see is the pros and do not want to change anything about the amount of usage of these inventions. But what happens when the world reaches a point in time where humans will not be able to function normally without these sources of entertainment because of their addictions to them? Does that not seem like something the world should be worried about?

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