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Impact of technology in human life
Impact of technology on human beings
Impact of technology in human life
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Is technology dangerous for society? Do you believe long term technological advances will ultimately ruin us? Technology has been evolving at a rapid pace through the twenty first century. Growing up in the nineties, I single handily witnessed how the tech world made leaps and advances in a matter of years. Many technological innovations have helped the world make a better place, but would too much of a good thing bad for us? Will technology be the downfall of society and our planet in the near future? Many people believe technology is harmful for our planet and our future for various reasons and there are others that have become so distracted by it that they don’t believe that it could ever cause any harm until it’s too late. When the world was created, there was no technology but yet man survived (Opara). As time moved on technology began to revolutionize the world. Man kept creating ways to make every life easier for themselves. I don’t see a problem with what man has created but what a man has become of it. I agree with Peace Chinwe Opara when he states in his article, “Technology has been implanted into people's blood. Man cannot do without technology. If technology is taken away, man will die. Imagine this world now without electricity. Do you think man will survive it?” People without technology will go crazy just like a chicken with its head cut off. Once upon a time man relied on their own strength, hard work and ideas to carry on business and complete everyday tasks. I’m not against technology but I can assure you that the direction of modern technology will only bring negative effects to society and the world. Technology is good. It helps man to achieve certain heights but one way or the other technology is destroyin... ... middle of paper ... ... be tainted by this tech craze? I feel like people in the future will only get lazier and weaker because they will be more focused on video games, television and online social media. I believe we should stop at a certain point because it could have bad consequences for the future of society and the planet. Works Cited Boyle, Rebecca. “Robots Are Stealing American Jobs, According to MIT Economist” Popular Science. 15 October 2010. Web. 14 December 2013. Grohol, John M. “Why reliance on Technology Is a Bad Thing” Phsychcentral. 30 November 2013. Web. 2 December 2013. Nissal, Eric J. “Is Technology Ruining Society?” DollarVeristy. Web. 1 December 2013. Haytham. “The influence of modern technology on society: Good or Bad?” LexioPhiles. Web.Feb. 26th 2013. Opara, Chinwe Peace. “Will Technology Destroy Mankind?” Articlesbase. 22 July 2007. Web. 15 December 2013.
Technology is supposed to be seen as such an advancement and great accomplishment. What others may not always know is sometimes it isn’t all fun and games, it can be dangerous. As seen when we created the atomic bomb and guns, their only purpose is to destroy and cause pain to others. Although they are not always in use, they are a constant threat to our well being. We need to take into consideration the positives and the negatives of the technology we create today.
I agree with Ray Bradbury, humanity is doomed. Technology has created so many problems, so rapidly, that humans cannot respond to the changes. Technology has become a tool that makes our lives easier, but the negative effects are far too overpowering, making it almost impossible to stop it before it is too late. Examples from “The Veldt,” and “There Will Come Soft Rains,” show the potential dangers that technology could bring. It may seem unbelievable, but just as George Hadley said, “This is a little too real, but I don’t see anything wrong,” (Bradbury 1). Humans cannot see the problem, only past it. Global warming, antibiotic overuse, overpopulation, and modern warfare, are just a few of the threats technology bestows upon us.
In today's world, technology is constantly changing from a new paperclip to an improvement in hospital machinery. Technology lets people improve the way they live so that they can preserve their own personal energy and focus on the really important factors in life. Some people focus their energy on making new innovations to improve transportation and the health of people that may save lives and some people focus on making new designs of packaging CDS. Technology is significant in everyone's life because it rapidly changes what is in the market. But, some new innovations of technology are ridiculous because they serve no purpose in helping mankind.
Whether technology is with us or hurting us, we still have to use it and it affects our lives daily. We need it to get a hold of someone. We need it to do our jobs. Most importantly, we need it to keep our lives away from harm. There are many ways to manipulate technology, but technology has more good to it than bad. There are those who use it for good, like investigators so they can figure out the real story. Then there are those who use it for bad, just like those who commit cyber bullying along with other minor and major things. We need technology regardless if people argue they like or not. There is no way to stop technology and keeping people from making it better. With the developments in technology, we may be able to enjoy all the pricey luxuries and still enjoy life at the same time.
“Technology is supposed to make our lives easier, allowing us to do things more quickly and efficiently. But too often it seems to make things harder, leaving us with fifty-button remote controls, digital cameras with hundreds of mysterious features.” (James Surowiecki) Whether or not is known, technology has become too heavily relied on. It is replacing important social factors such as, life skills and communication skills. While technology is created to be beneficial, there must be a point in time where we draw the line. Once face-to-face conversations begin to extinguish, this means that there is too much focus on the “screen culture”. In her writing, “Alone Together”, Sherry Turkle talks
Technology is unavoidable in our modern lifestyle. You wake up, you use technology; you use technology while cooking, while eating, while driving. While you’re lying in bed before you fall asleep, you use technology, technology wakes you up in the morning. Is all the technology around you good for you, or is it harmful to your health? Was our society healthier or safer before all the advancements? So many questions and concerns about all of the technology we crave, but there are very few people who know the answers. Technology affects all parts of human life. It can create jobs, motivate people to get active, and assist people in learning, but this does not balance out that there are dangers that follow the use of technology.
Technology has carved the path of human existence since our humble origins. It is our curious nature and ever present ingenuity that leads us to create technological wonders of perplexing magnitude. As the first Neanderthal man sharpened a spear and tempered it in lightning born flames he sealed man-kinds future; a future as certain as our past. The pendulum of human dominance started its undulation and science was conceived to replace the ignorance of our times of yore. With our undying fortitude our achievements soared to the sky within heavens reach, surpassing even our own expectations. Although, with this progress also came the burdens of responsibility, and our technology soon outreached the length of our control. Controlled or not, technology has shaped our fate in ways that are unfathomable by the human mind. The future of technology is difficult to foretell, and can only be prophesized by the study of our past.
Today the world revolves around different kinds of technology that are used for many things, some are necessary and some are not. Technology is a big part of our lives, and many would say we couldn’t live without it. Weather people like it or not technology is here, and it’s not going away. But a big question is; Is technology good or bad? Advancements in technology are bad For many reasons. Some are anyone who has a laptop can find someones personal information, people don’t get as much face to face interaction because they are always talking on the internet, and kids aren’t using proper grammar online, so they are losing their writing skills.
Technology allows culture to evolve by creating solutions to problems by removing constraints that exist. Every invention and concept is expanded on to create the utmost perfect solution. Although this process can take decades, or even centuries, to actually develop a proficient resolution, the end result is what advances society industrially. There are conflicting views, however, if these advances are beneficially or maliciously affecting society (Coget). There are three kinds of people in regards to the attitude toward technology: technophiles, technophobes, and those who aren't biased in either regard (Coget). Technophiles understand that the world adapts to the advances in technology and uses them to improve their lives (Tenner). Technophobes observe technology as damaging or are uncomfortable in using it (DeVany). It is undeniable that technology is ever-expanding, thus peaking curiosity to uncover what fuels the fear behind the technophobes. Our focus is concentrated on the technophiles and the technophobes . I will begin with the latter as they contribute greatly to the ov...
Technology now literally controls the world and what goes on. The economy is dependent on the use of technology, but there are minor creation that don’t really have a use at all and can be done without it. So again my opinion is that technology is need in life, but at times it isn’t that use. Things that can be done by technology can sometimes be done by without it.
...Joes to torture animals in so called training. Texting in school by students and teachers takes away valuable class time. Videogames become addicting and let people become numb to violence. Parents and their strive for constant communication, also holds them responsible for the technology epidemic. The Internet makes cheating and multitasking inevitable. Internet Porn easily allows crude films in the American home. Technology cannot be reversed so now we have to suffer with consequences of technology.
Overall, on the youthful, abundant, and thriving ball of life that is called Earth, there are mass amounts of technology being used across the globe. Whether it be internet, machinery, or anything of the sort. Almost everything that occurs in daily lives involves the use of technology. That brings up quite possibly one of the most-often debated questions that has ever been argued over: Is technology really beneficial, or is it simply making the population lazy and stupid? Realistically, technology is similar to having the world at the touch of the fingertips.
Jim Mannoia found himself stuck in traffic on a Los Angeles freeway, his left leg aching from maneuvering the heavy standard transmission in the stop-and-go traffic, sweltering in the heat because his air conditioner was not working and the vehicle was beginning to overheat at the engine level as well as inside the passenger compartment. Worst of all was that the radio was not working. Feeling rightly miserable, he noticed a BMW in the lane beside him, its windows rolled up tight against the heat while undoubtedly the air conditioner blew at full blast. He could hear the bass lines of the car’s stereo and even wondered how the driver could hear well enough to carry on his cell phone conversation.
Society has been impacted both negatively and positively by technology. As a result, every aspect of our lives has been influenced by technology. Hence, life is easier, yet it has taken away some of the enjoyment. For example, remember the days of less stress and more personal interaction, when there were no online messages, no emails, social media or cell phones. We have become excessively dependent on technology. As a result, we need to rely less on technology even though it has made learning fun, and business, daily tasks, work, travel, shopping, making new friends and staying in touch easier. In conclusion, technology has a lot of benefits, yet it could take over our lives and become our worst enemy if we aren't careful.
Technology is making our life easier than before, but are we getting too much dependent on it? Technology is getting improved by past decades. It has become a part and parcel in everyday life. Without it, people would have a lot of trouble to keep pace with the whole world. At the same time, todays new generations incredibly dependent on it. They do not want to use their brain as there are lots of search engines they can easily access and can find out what they want. Technology creates problems about pollution and global warming and at the same time people are using technology to reduce these problems. Overdependence on technology is harmful for humans’ existence because it creates addiction that makes people inactive, decrease job opportunities and causes physical or mental disorders that is a great threat for mans’ life.