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Anxiety and depressed mood
Mental emotional benefits of sports
Mental emotional benefits of sports
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“Sports do not build character. They reveal it” said John Wooden, Legendary UCLA Basketball Coach. Sports have become very popular over past years and it seems like nobody really joins the sport knowing the true benefits coming from these sports. After all, most people do watch sports on tv more than reality shows or movies. Many teens join sports in their high school years, and most don’t know that these sports are the things keeping teens out of conflicts. A new disagreement has arisen over whether or not sports can keep teens out of trouble. Participating in sports keeps teens out of trouble because it prevents depression and stress, creates a community, and averts boredom. Teens have a high risk for depression and stress in their adolescent …show more content…
“Kids who had lower (athletic) confidence said they were more lonely at school” (Dunn 1). When teens have a higher self esteem, they tend to feel more confident in who they are and what they are doing. Teens who are confident in themselves tend to make friends easier, because they appear to their peers that they are confident in what they are doing and people who are confident appeal more to people then those who are not. “Children and adolescents often make friends with others on their sports teams, or in their activity programs, and these friendships help keep them involved in the activity, and make the activity more fun” (Brehm 258). Furthermore, friends that are made on a sports team result in a strong friendship because teens can have fun with their new friends during practice or games. Some will argue that sports can cause athletes to become more likely to do drugs than students who do not do sports. While this might be the case, sports do in fact keep teens out of trouble because sports provide more opportunities to make new friends. “At some schools, it is cool to be an athlete. And students who are lucky enough to become athletes receive reinforcement from their peers” (Brehm 258). Popularity and making friends in middle school and throughout high school is something most teens struggle with. However, if teens play on …show more content…
“ 77% of youngsters believe that kids get in trouble when they are left alone with nothing to do” (Rizzolo). Kids often get in trouble when they are bored with nothing to do because they want to do something, but they just don’t know what. This leads to kids doing what their parents normally don’t allow them to do. “Young people ages 12 to 17 who are frequently bored are 50 percent likelier than those not often bored to smoke, drink, get drunk and use illegal drugs” (University 's National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse). When teens are bored, they look for ways to entertain themselves. Most of the time this leads to drug and substance abuse, but sports tend to occupy any free time that teens might be getting into trouble. Those on the other side of the issue may say that sports do keep teens out of trouble is false because it can be argued that violence on the field against a rival can lead to more violence off the field directed toward loved ones. That point might be true, but unimportant because sports help prevent teens from causing trouble when they are bored. “ Boredom is one of the top causes of emotional eating in all age groups” (Better You). When teens are bored, they tend to do things that keep them busy. Eating is a habit that keeps you busy while satisfying one’s tastebuds. If a teen is bored too often, this can lead to major
Athletes in times of difficulty can be important role models.” This shows that sports are in fact helpful because they can grow children into being important role models for the rest of society. Studies have shown time and time again that playing sports can be beneficial to children and we also believe this to be true. Many people still think that sports cause “too many injuries”, or coaches “are not fair enough”, but adolescents will experience these things all throughout their lives because injury can happen anywhere and they will not always be the best at what they are doing. Sports are beneficial to the youth because they can teach children and teens important life skills, help them maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle, all while improving their mental health.
High school sports are approached with clashing opinions. Some of these opinions are positive, and supportive of athletics. “Athleticism, among many activities, offers teens a physical outlet to exert their troubles, anger, emotions, and other feelings” (Chen 1). This can be observed in nearly all of the football players in Friday Night Lights. This can also be noticed in the world today. “Athletics help high school students understand their own abilities and talents” (Chen 1). This piece of evidence is very accurate when describing high school athletes. Sports can make a high school student humble. As can be seen by the preceding information, high school athletics can have a positive impact on a student’s life.
Participation in sports has proven to increase self-discipline and self-esteem, and can teach athletes to learn from their mistakes and move on (Issitt). Athletes playing team sports also develop the ability to work well with others and use teamwork in their everyday lives. Teammates form relationships that are strengthened over a common passion and goal. These relationships can last long after high school is over (Chen). These social skills translate into better communication used with an athlete’s family, peers, and in the community. Likewise, “A 2006 study in Maryland found that student athletes are 15 percent more likely than non athletes to be involved in their communities and to take the time for civic engagements, including participating in voting and volunteer activities” (Issitt). The same study also concluded that athletes are far more likely to be comfortable with public speaking than non-athletes. This study provides concrete evidence that high school sports can help to gain mental and social skills that will be used later in life
The journal article, “What does sport mean to you? Fun and other preferences for adolescents’ sport participation” claims that fun, social aspects, masculinity, and identity are the main reasons youth participate in sports (Skille and Østera˚ s, 360). Oftentimes, athletes forget they are on the same team, and they start to form cliques or groups based around who has the best bench press or 40 meter dash time. As a result, teammates start to compete with each other instead of working towards the same goal. For instance, one coaching journal article claims that “moral reasoning” in youth is determined through “collective norms” or group behaviors that the coach has a hand in influencing (Shields, LaVoi, Bredemeier, Power, 748-749). A proper coaching environment should therefore revolve around a fun, supportive, and collective environment where success is encouraged through the full support of the team. This support can further be developed through proper positive mindfulness and code of conduct guidelines set forth by the coach; for instance, hazing should be discouraged and proper communication and helpfulness among teammates should be
The average family spends $100-$500 a month on sports. People have been doing sports for ever. Some people would be very angry if schools decided to get rid of them. Sports are dangerous though. They are causing parents to pressure their kids, students are becoming sleep deprived, and they are dangerous even though they can be healthy in some ways. Youth sports are harmful to students because they can be parents are pressuring their kids, they are dangerous, and many students are becoming sleep deprived.
One of the many benefits of playing sports is the children will build character. Building character is important because with character they will obtain new friends and develop different skills. Playing sports at a young age can build character in many ways, “Playing sports at a young age enables children to participate in social interactions and build skills such as teamwork, leadership, and responsibility as they learn to work with others to achieve a common goal,” (Aspen Institute). This is a benefit because they will build character from learning how to deal with wins and losses from playing sports. Also, they will develop different skills. Developing different skills will build character because, “numerous positive developmental indicators have been associated with sport participation, including improved self-esteem, emotional regulation, problem-solving, goal attainment, social skills, and academic performance,” (Holt). This shows how when children play sports that some of them acquire different skills than others. Lastly, some of the benefits that the children will receive from playing the sports are obtaining new friends and developing different
Sports are a popular pastime among all ages and types of people. People not only participate in them for fun, but also for money, physical fitness, rush of competition, and for many other personal reasons. Playing sports is especially common among young people in schools. Athletics are great and enjoyable for many reasons, but there can be a point where sports participation can go too far and become negative for children and adults. Sports specialization for young people is an increasing trend that results in sports having a negative impact on individuals and society.
Violence has been around for quite a long time. Fights and wars are the interest of today’s society of entertainment. People are more likely to see a movie, where protagonists kill bad guys, over a romantic movie, where a typical girl finds her “knight in shining armor.” This also applies to how teens feel when playing games. Teens have a sweet tooth for violent games, such as Call of Duty: Black Ops, Kill zone, Infamous, and other violent rated games. These games are like vocabulary words in a teens’ language. A recent discussion has been brought up from the Industry of Coombes Class (ICC). A worker has noticed a few news reports stating that games have influenced shooting sprees or murders in the community. Not only that but also parents are being persuaded to ban their children from playing games. The question is “Are games really influencing teens’ bad behaviors?” Well, violent games have been said to be the cause of teens’ violent acts, but this is not true. Many times this has been proven wrong by scientists and psychologists.
Most popular kids engage in a school sport which makes them well known and liked throughout their social atmosphere, not only by their peers, but by their teachers as well. Many outcast do not engage in these acts of physical teams like sports, but rather in other institutions such as a culture, theater, and various academic clubs. These tend to be labeled “uncool” and separate these kids from other students. Their “abnormal” interests, that vary from the conventional athletics, can make them looked down upon and questioned by others. Having these preferable extracurricular activities is normal, yet these kids tend to be misunderstood by the jocks who don’t have a particular preference to these clubs. Based on the same survey from stageoflife.com, interests are the second leading cause of teens feeling inferior to their peers at 49% (stageoflife.com). Also, “63% of teens say that their appearance is an important factor in their identity” (stageoflife.com). Kids feel that their ability in activities causes them to subordinate to others. Teens are often judged for these interests which should not happen since their enjoyments are irrelevant to popularity
Improving competitiveness is not the only advantage to beginning a football program two years earlier. Junior high is a time when many young people reach a crossroads between the innocence of elementary school and the complicated choices that come with the independence of high school. These are the years that young people begin making life changing choices in their search to identify who they are in this new world of leaving childhood behind. Many middle schoolers choose paths that do not lead to positive results. Some students during this time begin the illegal use of drugs and alcohol as well as other delinquent behaviors. Sports are a proven deterrent to these types of decisions. Studies reveal the number of athletes that become involved with drugs and alcohol is a significantly lower percentage than that of non-athletes.
One of the positives of youth participation in sports is that it is an effective way of children making new friends and developing social skills. Sports teams provide an introduction for children to talk to other children with whom they may not talk normally. This is a huge opportunity for overweight children that might not socialize with others very often. As Ann Rosewater – a spokeswoman for the organization Up2Us – puts it, “overweight children have reported that the best part of organized sports is making new friends” (13). Teamwork can create a strong bond between athletes who compete together. Working toward a common goal gives children a reason to become good friends in an attempt to reach their endeavor of winning. They learn to help other children when they see them having a tough time and learn to offer words of encouragement to them (Harle par. 3). Children are given a sense of camaraderie by playing a sport with peers and that sense can become so strong that they will go as far as considering each other a second family....
It has been known a proven fact that participation in high school sports encourages better moods, self-esteem, and a higher level of academic achievement. This has been proven through various studies, one of them being a study done in New York. In 2006, the Carnegie Corporation of New York discovered that students benefited from participating in high school sports. An improvement in grades, confidence, and personal health and welfare were appreciably noted in ...
The involvement in team sports builds good character and social development skills in children. According to LHSAA executive director, Kenny Henderson “Children who participate in sports have heightened self-esteem, social skills, ability to work well with others and more respect.” Young adults who have played team sports are less likely to take illegal drugs. Adults who played sports as children have better social and leadership skills. Sports provide children with experiences and interactions necessary to grow into an adult with good character and sufficient social skills. Team sports in grade school can offer children and teenager an outlet for stress and negative emotional build-up. Coaches, practices, games or meets and traveling all have a large impact on a person’s charter. Most children who have played a team sport at some time have character traits found in highly successful adults.
At some point students has had trouble either at home or at school and need to release stress or tension. Some of these times the teens choose to do activities that are wrong. Youth want to feel comfort and accepted, therefore they sometimes will do events that are not well for their body just to fit in with a group. There is evidence that proves sports can reduce the likeliness of teens committing crimes, or getting into trouble. Tees look at the negative substances such as drugs, alcohol, or tobacco, and think that they can do whatever they want. Many teens look at these activities and think they are “exciting” or “cool” and want to try them, but if they are busy with sports they most likely will not be as easily influenced. Participation in sports helps keep teens out of trouble by taking up their free time which could be used for mischief, gives them an opportunity to meet new friends for positive role models, provides teens an outlet to develop a higher self-esteem, and also enables student to set goals for on and off the field.
revealed that participation in sports reduced the risk of overall illicit drug use, but particularly during high school; suggesting that this may be a critical period to reduce or prevent the use of drugs through sport.” (Addictive Behaviors.) Being involved helps teens take responsibility and a sense of pride in their activity. Therefore to avoid disappointment and failure adolescents will avoid substances known to have a negative correlation on the activity. One of the items that they may deem harmful includes alcohol since it affects awareness and reaction time. Serious athletes will know to stay away to help maintain their edge and level of fitness. Certainly, participation in extracurricular activities or simply belonging can help decrease teen drinking.