Does Gun Control Work

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Does Gun Control Work?
In America, there's a lot of debate about whether or not gun control would work in the United States. Most Republicans and conservatives want less gun control, but most Democrats and liberals want more gun control. People should know some gun control history, the amount of deaths and lives saved by firearms and also what guns are commonly owned, and know the difference between full auto and semi auto and what is a bump stock and how it works and if more gun control will work or not.
The first gun control legislation was passed on June 26, 1934. The National Firearms Act part of President Franklin D Roosevelt’s New Deal for Crime. In 1938, the FFA required gun manufacturers, importers, and dealers to have a federal …show more content…

households had at least one gun in possession. The most common owned type of gun by type. The five most commonly owned pistols are Glock 19, Sig Sauer P938, Springfield XD-S, Ruger Lightweight, Smith & Wesson M&P Shield. The five most commonly owned rifles DPMS Oracle, Ruger AR-556, Kel-Tec SuB-2000, Colt LE6920, Smith & Wesson M&P15. That's just a few of the pistols and rifles. Americans own between 210 to 370 million guns there's about 55 guns per 100 people.
The AR-15 platform is the most commonly sold rifle in the US. The AR in AR-15 actually stands for ArmaLite Rifle not assault rifle. The AR is a semi auto rifle, which means one pull of the trigger only shoots one bullet you cannot purchase a full auto AR-15 they have be banned since 1986. The type of round the AR shoots is the 223. AR-15's and other semi-automatic "assault weapons" were only used in 24.6 percent of mass shootings, according to a Northeastern University …show more content…

Ninety-eight percent of public mass shootings in this country occur in gun-free zones. 81% of police officers support arming teachers and principals so that teachers can protect the students. So what would work? Repealing gun-free zones. The killer at Sutherland Springs church in Texas last November was stopped by a neighbor with an AR-15. The year before, police credited an armed firefighter with stopping a school shooting in South Carolina. He was possessing a concealed handgun.For example, France has far more gun control than we do. The French have greater restrictions on semi­-auto weapons. Yet gun ownership restrictions in France did not stop terrorists from murdering 130 people at a concert in 2015. Not only that, France had more mass shooting deaths and injuries in 2015 than during Barack Obama’s eight years as president. Repealing gun-free zones and lifting the restrictions that keep good people from carrying guns for

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