Does Flying Harm The Planet Analysis

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Traveling is appealing to those who want to explore the world. Many say that traveling help someone to open their eyes and become a accomplished individual as they take the opportunity to discover who they are and explore the different things that is out there. The whole purpose about traveling is that people get to experience new and different lifestyles. While people are having a great time enjoying their vacations, they do not realize that there are locals who as struggling to make a few dollars and Earth is slowly getting damaged. Before I begin, I expect to find that cruise ships and airplanes are harmful to the planet because I’m sure they release a huge amount of carbon dioxide. Also the workers, I expect to find out that they do not …show more content…

In Bryan Walsh’s article, “Does Flying Harm the Planet?” (2007), explains how airplanes release hazard fossil fuels into the atmosphere. One-way an airplane has an impact on the environment it that, “Airplanes operate on petroleum fuel, which mean they release large amounts of carbon dioxide when they fly” (Walsh 2007). Traveling by airplane is one of the common ways people get their way around. Walsh also describes that flying by airplane is, “responsible for a relatively tiny part of the global carbon footprint”, because airplanes release so much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere it slowly starts to affect Earth (Walsh 2007). Carbon dioxide emissions travel rapidly through the air, and because of this they create cloud that trap the heat that is in the atmosphere. This is an issue because carbon dioxide can cause not only climate change but it is slowly deteriorating …show more content…

In Bruce Watson’s article “Murky waters: The hidden environmental impacts of your cruise” (2015), explains that environmental concern cruise ships cause. Watson justifies that “every year, the industry consumes millions of tons of fuel and produces almost a billion tons of sewage”, the more fuel that is being consumed the more carbon dioxide emissions are being released into the air (Watson 2015). The sewage that the cruise ships produce varies from human waste, dirty dishwater and laundry water. The more people vacation on cruise ships, billions of sewage is being dumped into the ocean. Many are ignoring the fact that cruise ships are playing a part of the environmental impact. Also, what is discussed is that “...exhaust and sewage from ships can fog the air and pollute the water, potentially causing a host of ugly environmental and health effects”, the pollution that the ship cause, does not only effect the air but it can possibly be a health hazard. This doesn’t only affect human but it also affects aquatic life, there are billions of fish species in the ocean and we are polluting it with our unwanted waste. Travelers need to realize that there is more to worry about on a vacation that are more important then booking a hotel

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