Does Curiosity Cause Drug Use?

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Good or bad, curiosity is woven into our DNA like tonsils or the opposable thumb. It's the fire under the feet of the human experience.

Weil argues that people take drugs because they are means of satisfying an inner need for experiencing other forms of consciousness. He believes that the desire to alter consciousness periodically is an innate, normal drive equivalent to hunger or sexual drive.

Are people born with a desire to change their levels of consciousness? No. Rather, they are born with a basic curiosity about the world around them. Curiosity is defined as an eagerness to know about something or to get information. The concept of curiosity is central to motivation. The term can be used as both a description of a specific behavior as well as a hypothetical construct to explain the same behavior. Curiosity is a motivational prerequisite for exploratory behavior. As people go through life they are presented with many situations and subjects which peak this eagerness for knowledge. As a result, they may experiment with various devices that alter their consciousness.

Weil tries to compare the desire for altering one's state of consciousness to that of the feeling of hunger or the desire for sex. Yet hunger and arousal are two processes which create a chemical change in the body. Ghrelin is a hormone which is thought to trigger hunger. Ghrelin levels increase dramatically before a meal and then are suppressed for about three hours after eating a meal. Sexual arousal is caused by changes in hormonal levels. Is there a chemical that is released in the brain or in the body that makes a person want to change their perception? A person's body may end up craving a drug due to excessive use, but their body did not originally require that drug.

Weil's example of children forcing themselves to hyperventilate, having other children squeeze them around the chest, or choking each other to produce a loss of consciousness is a good example of curiosity, not an innate desire to alter consciousness. While sitting on the playground, does a child suddenly wonder "if I get choked am going see the world differently?" More probable is the fact that the child saw another classmate partake in this activity and they themselves wanted to try it, or through peer pressure they were forced to try it.

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