Do We Suffer From A Certain Addiction Essay

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Do we all suffer from a certain addiction? Have you ever thought that one wrong choice changes your life completely? There is great responsibility in being capable of making choices in our lives. We have the choice of what kind of life we are living; we are a consequence of the choices we make every day. So we have to escape out of Addiction. People become addicted to anything firstly by trying it out. But then changes in the brain takes place as a result of chemicals or behaviors, so we can consider it initially as a choice but by the time it's changed into a disease. But why do some people become addicted while others don’t? I agree that we are addicted to something as addiction is a state of being locked up to a routine that …show more content…

About 23.5 million people in the United States are addicted to a wide range of drugs and alcohol. However, there are millions more who may be addicted to things and activities that are outside the scope of drugs and alcohol. While it is true that people can technically be addicted to anything, the term addiction is used liberally and can lose its’ true meaning. It is important to understand what addiction really is, what it does and some general things and activities that people can engage in an addictive personality

Genetics play some major role in addiction as addiction has an inherited component, it may be running in families. That it can be passed down from parent to child by way of genes that means that the offspring of addicts are 8 times more likely to develop an addiction Concerning the study of Washington University, St. Louis, a review showed that around 33-71% of Nicotine addicts, 48-66% of alcohol addicts and 49% of gambling addicts their addiction is due to genes which were inherited from their parents. Moreover, based on the differences between the identical and non-identical twins study which showed that 50-60% of addiction is due to genetic factors. These statistics have been confirmed by other studies. Also for some people, addiction isn't a choice Addiction is like most major diseases that they can't manage. Regard as a heart disease so they have to be strong enough to control themselves in order to recover from

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