Do Laws Banning Offensive Words Make The World A Better Place?

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Do laws banning offensive words make the world a better place? Offensive words have become more prominent in the younger generations of today’s society. Slang words and profanity have now become more recurrent in the daily lives of people. Words or phrases that were offensive a long time ago are now being said on daily basis by kids in elementary schools. The way we perceive and receive these offensive words has truly changed drastically over the course of the years. This prominent use of offensive words today has led to the questioning of whether laws banning offensive words would make the world a better place. In my own opinion, I strongly believe that laws against offensive words do not make the world a better place. However, it does raise …show more content…

People change, ideas change, feelings change, and therefore, every generation adapts to these unprecedented changes. Every generation has some form of unique identity and special qualities that will be passed down from generation to generation. However, this cycle of past generations teaching something new to the upcoming generations can also be reverted in the other way. Like Robinson Cano once said, “You never stop learning. You learn something new every day.” As a result, upcoming generations can also have valuable things to teach older generations. In today’s generation, social, political, economic, and natural disasters have marked us for the rest of our lives. Events such as the 9/11 terrorist attack, the recession of the early 2000’s, hurricane Katrina, and the massive growth of technological advancements have affected the way our current society has been shaped. As a result, today’s generation has adopted four different characteristics that could teach older generations. These characteristics include open-mindedness, striving for better and less expensive education, greater utilization of technology, and

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