Divorce Essay

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Almost everyone has heard of the word divorce; many have even dealt with it. Divorce, to a layman’s language, is when a marriage is permanently terminated by the couple, and it involves a legal decree. In legal terms, the definition is more or less the same; it’s just that it states new duties to both parties. Divorce can be granted by the law courts or by the religion courts. It all depends on how the couple tied the knot. The time period involved and the laws on divorce vary in each state, religion and complexity of the case that determines whether or not the petitioner should be granted a divorce. In most of the cases, if both partners agree to ending up their marriage, it is much quicker and easier rather than if one of them is reluctant to the idea.
Divorce can be a challenging time for both the couple and their families. Some divorces may be friendly while others may have a bitter end, which is quite expected at the loss of someone you had grown so fond of. It is never easy to accept this reality if you have gone through it, and for many a good healing time and space is also needed. Some divorcees have a hidden agenda as to why they want a divorce. One such reason might be a plan to get compensated or get rich by getting half of the property that the other partner had. No matter what the reason might be, a divorce serves the same purpose, i.e., to annul a marriage; it leaves many hearts broken, pockets pinched of money and children left with the question as to why did their parents get divorced.
Causes of a Divorce
 Infidelity accounts for 50 percent of the divorces worldwide
 Various relationship problems like finances, time, attitude towards a spouse and disinterest in the marriage
 Poor communication in marriage
 Dif...

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...em say that after a divorce, the only important thing in their lives is their children.
 Divorced women experience twice as much stigma as men.
Even though a divorce is experienced by the 2 people in marriage, children are the most affected ones who get caught in the squabbles. An affected child would go from seeing both his parents living under the same roof to spending summer vacations with dad and the rest of the life with mom. In some rare cases, both parents may be deprived of their children and their next of kin, or grandparents may be awarded the custody. With such decisions, the child goes from living with people he knows from the beginning to staying with those who are strangers or distant relatives. A child needs stability while growing up and a divorce is a total opposite. Discussed below are some of the many ways in which a child suffers from a divorce:

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