Divine Command Theory And Cultural Relativism Essay

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Divine Command Theory and Culture Relativism

Divine Command Theory and Culture Relativism are two important theories trying to explain what is morality. Divine Command Theory defines morality as the command of god (), while the Culture Relativism defines morality as different moral codes of different societies (). In this essay, both theories will be first discussed separately to show their benefits and invalidity. This essay then compares both theories and explains why I prefer the Culture Relativism.

The main idea of Divine Command Theory is that god gives the standard of morality. The theory sounds good because it makes morality simpler. It gives a clear explanation of morality, “‘Morally right’ means ‘commanded by God’ and ‘morally wrong’ means ‘forbidden by God’.” (Rachel 2). Therefore, all moral claims are “perfectly objective” (Rachel 2) and have definite answers. Also if the theory is true, it would be easy to judge a moral claim. People can get the answer simply by asking god. In addition, it gives a good reason for people to follow the moral standard (Rachel 2). God doesn’t only give the standard, but also execute justice. People who break the morality standard will get punished by God. …show more content…

Firstly, according to the theory, the atheists do not believe in god so that they are not supposed to care about morality. However, atheists also make moral claims. For example, a person does not believe in the existence of god, he never asks god what is wrong, but he believes that murder is morally wrong. This is contradict to the idea that god gives the standard of

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