Diversify Students

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Each of the three aforementioned elements was present in the experiences of the Diversify students. First, Diversify students encountered tension between themselves and administrators due to tracking practices that demeaned the intellectual capability of those students. “Black students were disproportionately represented in the lower levels, preventing them from accessing the most demanding coursework” (7). The students characterized the tension when they revealed how they perceived the administrative attitudes towards them. According to them, it was the “teachers’ and administrators’ low expectations for black students [that] were at the root of the problem” (7). Consequently, Diversify students observed how black kids were put in the “stupid classes” and how people appeared to be shocked at reports of achievement from black students as if …show more content…

The racialized characteristics of black individuals who come from those poor and socially disorganized areas were also projected onto the Diversify students, thus creating them to be subjects of negative attraction and fascination. “Their difference [was] the focal point of their interactions with suburban students and teachers” (8). Lastly, Diversify students were victims of racial microaggressions due to school and program policies. First, Diversify students worked with counselors that only or primarily worked with them, “overseeing their academic, personal, and career-related decisions” (6). Additionally, they attended “after-school homework help clubs designed to bolster Diversify students’ academic achievement.” Secondly, when Diversify students were in trouble, rather than being normally sent to the principal’s office, they were sent to the Diversify counselor’s office instead. “Such policies and programs facilitated negative meanings about race, achievement, and comportment, promoting the notion that black students needed targeted educational and behavioral interventions to progress adequately in

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