Distracted Driving Research Paper

654 Words2 Pages

Distracted Driving

Yes i am against distracted driving. There has been so many accidents, most of them have to do with texting and driving, and as there are also people that think it is not wrong and through there mind it doesn't cross that they could end their life, or someone else's life. Can People Understand The Importance Of Distracted Driving?

Considering some Statistics:

In 2011 , 1.3 million auto accidents in the U.S That involved cell phones And about 23% were car crashes, as well as 3,331 people were killed in crashes involving distracted driving. For the ages 15-19 year olds involved in fatal accident 21% of the distracted drivers were on the use of cellphones, and texting while driving makes it 23 times more likely to crash as for sending and receiving a text takes the driver's eyes off the rode for an average of 4.6 seconds ; at 55 mph. thats enough to walk a football field blind. …show more content…

While it may not be a surprise physical distractions, Such as reaching for the radio just to increase or decrease the volume level, and visual distractions, like reading a text can be very dangerous. What American Motorists may find more riskier is that using hand-free , voice activated technology can also be dangerous hands-free voice activated commands that are usually praised for being a safer alternative to traditional hand operated controls. According to the new research that was lead by "AAA" Foundation for Traffic Safety, 3 out of 4 drivers believe that hands-free technology is safe to use; however , these popular modern vehicle features may actually activate mental distractions

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