Disney Unit 7 Mini Project

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Unit VII Mini Project


By: LaVita Fleming

Strategic Recommendations
Product positioning is what comes to mind when a company target market thinks about the company product compared to its competitor’s products. According to Jan Welborn-Nichols, Positioning is where ones’s product or service fits into the marketplace. Having effective positioning assists with the product or service being number one with consumers. According to Keller, A positioning analysis should consist of Points of Parity, and Points of Difference. The Points of Difference are the benefits that a consumer strongly associates with the brand and they believe that they will not find the same attributes with another brand. On the other hand The points of Parity is not what makes the brand different but what the brand may have in common with other brands. The positioning must also take into account the brand Mantra which is basically the spirit and soul of the brand and it’s usually a few or phrase.
Some of the major managing brands that are competing with Disney brands are CBS Corporation, NBC Universal, and Time Warner Company. Although Disney is Associated with fun and excitement. Unfortunately this is the same with all brands of entertainment. Also the products and services that fall within …show more content…

Consumers automatically think of fun, family entertainment when they hear “Disney” (Disney, 2015). Another difference are the characters that Disney has, especially Mickey Mouse he is known worldwide and iconic to the Disney brand. Moreover, Disney has a partnership with the global leading restaurant chain McDonalds. Mcdonalds has a strong marketing relationship with Disney they offer a Disney figurine with their happy Meals that relates to a newly released

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