Discuss The Effects Of Class Size On Student Achievement

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In this research I am going to investigate the effects of class size on student achievement. The debate over class size is an age-old debate in American education. The debate concentrates on whether class size is factor that could affect student performance. Currently, many moved to very large or small classes. As a student I am interested to see how the class size might affect my academic performance. The research has been contacted on March 1, 2015. I am using five sources, 3 peer reviewed journal articles, 1 newspaper article, and 1 magazine article.

Annotated Bibliography
Inquiry Question: How does class size affect student achievement?
Attwood, Rebecca. "Size Matters To Students ' Grades." Times Higher Education
"Class Size And Student Performance At A Public Research University: A Cross-Classified Model." Higher Education 51.8 (2010): 701-723. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2015. This article addresses issues inherent in previous studies and reviews that have questioned the influence of class size on student grades, also it points out to other researchers in this area how these issues might cause discrepancies in their research outcomes. The article relies on using statistics and data that have been conducted in prior studies since 1990. It shows that most of these studies applied two approaches, the “constructivist” approach which concludes that the class size has a significant effect on student grade because the student has a great chance to interact with the instructor in small classes (Johnson). The second approach is the “behavioral “which concludes that the class size has no impact, the primary factor in student achievement is the instructors’ behavior and skills inside the class (Johnson). Also the article indicates that the most popular outcome from theses studies was that “small classes can often result in better grades” and “increasing class size has a significant negative effect on final grades” (Johnson). The article is written by Iryna Johnson, a research in higher education at the Auburn University, which gives the article more credibility ("About Us - Staff."). Also, the article was published by Higher Education, an international journal on higher education studies, which reports studies of issues in universities and colleges (“Higher Education - Springer.”). I am going to use this source to show the two approaches that have been taken in the research of the area, and provide the evidences that have been used to support each approach. This article is great represents for the

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