How Did Khlalah Become A Victim Of Discrimination In Our Society

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" Do any of us ever choose the life we live?" A question many people may spend hours answering. Truth be told, no we do not. When we all are born, we don't choose who our parents will be, where will we be born, in what class will we live in, how will we look like, and when in time will we be living. All these things are faith and destiny that God has picked for us. The only things that we have control over are choosing where we end up as individuals. Something that confuses me sometimes is even though we never picked the beginning of our lives, we still get discriminated or in other words ranked. One of the stories I recently read was about how a man was discriminated differently in his life as society was evolving around him. The story was called "Khlalah SEL," by an Emirati writer by the name of Abd Al-Hameed Ahmad. In this analytical essay, I will be explaining how this man by the name of "Khlalah" was discriminated and how he deals with it. Before I begin to explain how Khlalah had been a victim of discrimination, allow me first to explain who Khlalah was. According to the story, Khlalah was the happiest man in the town in spite of how poor he was. He had a donkey as a best friend called Massoud who he cherished more his …show more content…

When Khlalah asked his friend Khammas if he knew where the ministry was, Khammas laughed at him and asked him why has he not asked Massoud. Humiliating someone for their lack of education by comparing what they know to what an animal knows is quite a harsh act, especially knowing that the reason before someone's illiterate situation was due from poverty and class. For Khammas to even show such type of character towards Khlalah just shows that even the closest people to him treat him like a joke and that they can not take him as a serious conversation even he is in need of great help in order to restore his

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