Disadvantages Of Social Media

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Social media has increasingly canvassed daily lives of the populace in a way even Nostradamus could not have predicted. People are glued to social media throughout the day in a manner that can only be described as an addiction. Social media started out as a social connection with friends and family, however it has evolved as a source of daily gossip, relationships, everyday news, career advancement, and just ‘plain killing time’. The affects of social media in our lives are quite profound. Due to constant urge of checking status online, it has become a big distraction and an addiction for many folks. It has also been blamed for loss of productivity at work; most employers have banned the use of social media at workplace. There are definite advantages for some who are seeking employment, or for businesses that are trying to sell products. But for most people, the affects of social media on their careers are …show more content…

Many employers bug office computers to learn about their employee’s daily work habits; they are fully aware of each employee’s online activity. Based on employee’s social media use history alone, the employees can legally be fired from their jobs. Using social media at work can also hurt their chances of getting a promotion or receiving a yearly performance bonus. In addition, the ability to concentrate on extremely difficult tasks has become more and more valuable in today’s competitive economy; any distractions at work are utterly counter-productive for handling complex tasks. As social media is designed to be addictive, it impairs this very skill. (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/20/jobs/quit-social-media-your-career-may-depend-on-it.html?_r=1) Moreover, while talking about the process of recruiting, Brandon Metcalf, CEO and co-founder of recruiting software solution Talent Rover,

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