Disadvantages Of Biomedical Engineering

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Suppose you are at the hospital and notice a patient sitting outside his doctor’s office. The painful expression on his face shows that he had just received dreadful news. His doctor had informed that the HIV virus that was present in his cells had mutated into AIDS and his life is in serious danger. There is one procedure that could perhaps save his life. However, this method has never been tested on humans. This operation involves nanoparticles killing the virus and saving the man’s life. Biomedical engineers who discovered this process are convinced that this process can be extremely painful for the patient since the patient is not allowed to be under anesthesia. Nevertheless, doctor’s are not assured whether the treatment could save or …show more content…

With the goal of improving the quality and effectiveness of patient care, biomedical engineers design instruments, devices, and software. In spite of the power biomedical engineers carry, they are also left with a mountain of challenges. To overcome to the problem plenty of biomedical engineers are faced with today, Robert Langer, an American engineer and an Institute Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, stated that certain methods are unacceptable owing to the fact that they are inhumane. Langer and his team were working on polymers that could deliver DNA as efficiently as viruses. The only problem with this procedure was that the viruses may have dangerous side effects and have been responsible for deaths in some gene-therapy trials. “So far, the problem has been that such "synthetic vectors" have been far less efficient in carrying out the delivery,” Langer states, “But in early tests. . . some polymers have been as effective at delivering the DNA strands to their target as the viruses, but with 100 times less toxicity” (Par. 9). Langer and his team were able to maneuver different techniques to avoid undesirable procedures so they may be tolerable to the

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