Direct Democracy Essay

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The government system in a country is the basis for its successful economy, health care, education, and living standard. It is important to discuss such regimes in order to conclude on the best or a more suitable way to govern people for a better life.
Main arguments
Direct democracy is a type of governing where the people vote to elect the rulers who should control them. Because the mandate is in the people, direct democracy has an advantage of helping to prevent corrupt practices among leaders. It also eliminates abuse of power.
Representative democracy is a type of governing where the majority of the people elect a person to represent their beliefs and ideas. Representative democracy is efficient because it is controlled by …show more content…

Countries practicing military dictatorships live in safer societies as opposed to those who live in a democratic society. This is because in military dictator, there are strict laws against crimes, which are enforced to the latter.
Absolute monarchy is a type of government where the ruler has supreme authority over the country, with no restriction or laws restraining him. Monarchs rule for life and so they are able to implement long term goals for the countries without thinking of discontinuity of government policies due to change in government.
Constitutional monarchy is a type of government where the monarch acts as a head of state within the perimeter of a written, unwritten or pleaded constitution (British Monarchist League ,2014). Constitutional monarchy combines some of the benefits of absolute monarchy and representative democracy. For this reason, it leads to the preservation of values, culture, history, and tradition which results in a very unite society.
Theocracy is a type of government where God is considered to be the supreme ruler. In this type of government, the right to rule is based on religious authority. A theocratic society is a very well organized society due to the fact that the government and the religious district work

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