Dioxin Pollution

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Dioxin is one of the most toxic chemicals known.
A report released for public comment in
September 1994 by the US Environmental
Protection Agency clearly describes dioxin as a serious public health threat. The public health impact of dioxin may rival the impact that DDT had on public health in the 1960's. According to the EPA report, not only does there appear to be no "safe" level of exposure to dioxin, but levels of dioxin and dioxin-like chemicals have been found in the general US population that are "at or near levels associated with adverse health effects." The
EPA report confirmed that dioxin is a cancer hazard to people; that exposure to dioxin can also cause severe reproductive and developmental problems (at levels 100 times lower than those associated with its cancer causing effects); and that dioxin can cause immune system damage and interfere with regulatory hormones.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer
[IARC] --part of the World Health Organization
--announced February 14, 1997, that the most potent dioxin, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, is a now considered a Class 1 carcinogen, meaning a
"known human carcinogen."

Dioxin is a general term that describes a group of hundreds of chemicals that are highly persistent in the environment. The most toxic compound is
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin or TCDD.
The toxicity of other dioxins and chemicals like
PCBs that act like dioxin are measured in relation to TCDD. Dioxin is formed as an unintentional by-product of many industrial processes involving chlorine such as waste incineration, chemical and pesticide manufacturing and pulp and paper bleaching. Dioxin was the primary toxic component of Agent Orange, was found at Love
Canal in Niagara Falls, NY.

The major sources of dioxin are in our diet. Since dioxin is fat-soluble, it bioaccumulates up the food chain and it is mainly (97.5%) found in meat and dairy products (beef, dairy products, milk, chicken, pork, fish and eggs in that order... see chart below). In fish alone, these toxins bioaccumulate up the food chain so that dioxin levels in fish are 100,000 times that of the surrounding environment. The most conspicuous source of dioxin pollution is from paper mills which may pollute nearby streams with wastewater. Fish living downstream from paper processing plants hav... ... middle of paper ...

...given or sold to farmers as a soil treatment, or is discarded into pits or is piled on the ground near cement kilns in an uncontrolled fashion.

Many U.S. soldiers came in contact with dioxin when it was used in the Vietnam War as a defoliant under the name of Agent Orange. Now many of these soldiers are showing signs of or have cancer. Many of these soldiers have passed on this dioxin poisoning to their children. For years, Vietnam Veterans have claimed that their exposure to Agent Orange has resulted in illness and death. The United States government and the
Veterans Administration has consistently taken the position that adequate information does not exist to demonstrate a relationship with Vietnam service, Agent Orange exposure and any illness or disease. In conclusion I feel that dioxins are very harmful and not needed in society today. I also feel that more steps need to be taken towards getting rid of dioxins and monitoring where illness related to dioxins are located. I also feel that many of the men in the Vietnam War are getting sick and dying as a result of dioxins that were used in Agent
Orange. The EPA should make sure that dioxin levels are to high in any one area.

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