Dilemmas Of Drug Testing Rhetorical Analysis

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Summary From reviewing several articles, the one that stood out the most was “the Dilemmas of Drug Testing.” “The Dilemmas of Drug Testing,” was written by Claire Andre and Manuel Velasquez. The article starts by an employer asking one of its employees to complete a drug test. They offer the young lady a clear cup to urine in. Then the authors go in on how so many employees have to experience this and how the test only trace drugs in the system. They argued that the moral dilemma come about because it is not testing if the workers ability is lessen by drugs only if they have drugs in their system. They made the point that some people are fully functioning on drugs and it never affects their everyday life while others it could make them unable …show more content…

The main point is that until they are able to test someone’s ability and not just if it is in the system it is a moral dilemma. Over time more and more companies have imposed drug tests, I think more and more are realizing that all drugs don’t affect the ability of everyone the same. I think a perfect example would be the legalization of weed. In states that it has become legal, people have not seem a dramatic change in the work place. The evidence that supports this dilemma is when the employee was just ask to pee in the clear cup. If she is just peeing in the cup it is not testing her ability. The first thing that would have to be done is to check her test. Once it came back positive, as long as it is not an illegal substance to have that young lady to work under the influence to see if it is even affecting her work. In this article the roles included the employers and employees. Although I honestly do not care if I am drug tested because I know that I do not do drugs. I do feel violated though because every time I have gotten a drug test at a facility, I have had someone in the restroom with me while I complete the test. I feel this is a violation of my privacy. On a professional level with most jobs I have held I could understand why they do conduct the test. You have to make sure that the people that you are hiring is able to deal with private information and make sure they are trustworthy

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