Difficult Journey Essay

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In today 's world majority of humans are going through some type of difficult journey . A difficult journey varys from person to person. One person could think of a difficult journey as being getting over an ex and recovering from the break up while another person would consider battling cancer a difficult journey . No matter what one is going through at the time it is difficult for them to handle. When humans become stressed out with these difficult journeys or situations they automatically feel as if they need to somehow escape these negative feelings. Humans cope with stress differently , some may turn to exercise or listening to music while another human could turn to drugs and alcohol to escape their feelings and situations. Although …show more content…

Batman is on of the most well known Superhero stories out in the world. It may be the most popular because Batman is very relatable and down to earth. Batman doesn 't have superpowers other than his strength and batmobile. Young children around the world , boys and girls may pretend to be Batman and pretend to go what he goes through in the story. This imagination of being a superhero is so important for kids or anyone in that matter to experience. Relating to a superheros Journey and battles , makes the readers battles and journey not as harsh and it kind of ease the pain . It may not always make the situation feels less harsh it may give the reader the confidence to push through the pain and win whatever journey or battle they are facing. Readers get caught up with these Superhero stories and get so involved in the superhero 's journey they sometimes feel like they are always living the superhero 's life . In “ I am not batman”, the Young boy says , And nobody fires Batman’s brother from the ,eastern Taxi Company ‘cause they was making cutbacks, neither ‘cause they got nothing but respect and not like afraid Aspect . Just like respect- respect. Cause nobody 's afraid of you” ( Ramirez). This young boy is relating to Batman 's situation and realizing his self worth and finding connections between respect. This young boy has found a connection with Batman 's journey of being respected

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