Different Pattern of Development in Writing

1234 Words3 Pages

Suppose you write an essay for your class or a documentation for your job, the

first thing that comes up in your mind is which pattern of development you will decide

to write your paper. The reason you evaluate this step is due to the fact that each topic

may address different pattern of development. As a reminder, it is vital for you as a

writer to understand the subject of your topic and determine which pattern you will

address the topic which is more likely can be process analysis, comparison and

contract, cause and effect and so on...Therefore, this essay will explain five chapters (13-

17) of college successful writing describing the different patterns of development writing.

To begin with, one of pattern of development shows on chapter 13 describes the

process analysis. It is a method that explains in step-by-step fashion how something works

or how something is done or made. When writing this type of essay, you require to write

a clear thesis statement which is a sentence that helps readers to identify the process that

is being discussed, and why it is important and useful to them (p.308). Next, you

organize your writing process in a chronologically manner which means when explaining

a process, for example, lasagna, you might say you let the pasta boil for about 30

minutes after you drain the water from it and finally you put the meat that you prepare

on top etc..Like say the definition, it is a step-by-step process, you cannot jump from

the first step to the...

... middle of paper ...

... most important to the

least important the event occurs. You have to be able to provide details to explain why

something happens or what are the result of something. With this type of writing you will

need to do some research where some of them maybe statistic data, expert opinion that

relate to your topic.

To conclude, the five chapters (13-17)consider five different patterns of

development a topic. Effective writer, must know the difference between them. All five

maybe use in a single paper but you have to be able to manage them. And sometime

depend of your intention, you might want to address your paper a certain way that is

familiar to your audience and this the most part in writing which to make your readers

aware what is going on.

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