Differences Extroverts and Introverts Give for First Impressions

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First Impressions

Through the years, many have been guided to investigate early evaluations of extroversion and introversion, recognized as core aspects of people's personalities (Bennington-Castro, J., 2013), and ask what effect these evaluations have on the person making them. Research has directly impacted the thoughts on these varying psychological traits: the extrovert – a person concerned more with external reality than inner feelings (Extrovert, 2014.); and the introvert – a person characterized by concern primarily with his or her own thoughts and feelings (Introvert, 2014). When interpreting the stories in reverse order as invited to do, the question became: Is John who the author purports him to be? Whether or not he is, as an observer into his life, we searched for answers to better understand the behaviors of those who encountered him.

First impressions and how an individual is perceived can influence future behavior and cooperation. When the first impression evaluation is negative, the expectation is particularly difficult to overcome (Nauert, R., 2011). Nevertheless, is either instance negative? The result of information gleaned did affect the way John was perceived on a first impression. During the evaluations, some questions became clear: What is perception, and what is reality? What attributes are associated with both stories; is John warm or cold; or is he charismatic or insecure?

How Do First Impressions Strike Us

What are the topics that the arguments were intended to answer? At the core of this exercise is the ability to construct an argument with the building blocks of propositions, claims, conclusion(s), and a reason (premise) to support a conclusion (Arguments, n.d). Neither passage had claims that...

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Works Cited

Bennington-Castro, J. (2013). The Science of What Makes an Introvert and an Extrovert. Retrieved from http://io9.com/the-science-behind-extroversion-and-introversion-1282059791

Carnegie, D., D. (1981). How to win friends and influence people (Revised ed.).

New York, NY: Simon & Shuster, Inc.

Extrovert. (2014). Retrieved from http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/extrovert?s=t

Gladwell, M. (2005). Blink. The power of thinking without thinking.

New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company.

Introvert. (2014). Retrieved from http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/introvert?s=t

Nauert, R. (2011). First Impressions Influence Later Behavior.

Retrieved from http://psychcentral.com/news/2011/04/13/


Young, J. (n.d). Argument. Retrieved from http://faculty.uncfsu.edu/jyoung/argument.htm

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