Differences Between Native Americans And Puritans

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American is land of opportunity full of differences that help us unite as one, but in some cases, difference is the worst possible thing. In history Natives opened their arms to the English, and care for them kind of like a baby. They built them up and paved the way for them, just to then get stabbed in the back by the greed of the Puritans. The Natives and Puritans were different in the way that possession was seen in regards to land, resources, and America. As a result there was a rise of conflict. Natives and Puritans have used the same land, but had different goals in mind. A example in the text is, “Everything from just seizing them and then attending to legalities much,”(“After the Mayflower”). This shows that puritans wanted to, and …show more content…

Natives and Puritans see resources as benefits. Natives and Puritans also see resources as advancements, but Puritans like to have significantly more resources. As they got here they were met with several objects in their way. A quote to describe this is, “When the English arrive they find houses fallen to ruin, fields lying fallow, human bones bleaching in the sun that have been scattered by animals,”(After the Mayflower). This basically shows what the puritans started with when they arrived in america, it only went up from here as they got more comfortable with the native in a sense that they gave them a lot of resources and knowledge. The natives weren’t thinking that they would get turned on, but it actually ended up happening, resulted in puritans taking power. “The white people think we do not know their Value; but we are sensible that the Land is everlasting, and few Goods we receive for it are soon worn out and gone,”(Turner, 243). In this stage, the natives start to realize that the puritans were getting a little greedy when it came to resources. The land is full of resources, but eventually it will get used up, at rate the puritans wanted it. Through all of this the natives did eventually got a wake up call, but it was way too …show more content…

America was still in development, but puritans wanted a piece of the prosperity . A example in the text is, “The head was displayed in Plymouth, a reminder to the Indians about who was in charge,”(After the Mayflower). This shows that the puritans were superior because this statement really does show that the puritans are trying show that they run the show and they are in power. They hit them where it hurts because they used a head of someone that was native, someone that they knew. The natives loved america but were confused as to why puritans act the way they do. A example in the text is “Why will you take by force what you may obtain by love? Why will you destroy us who supply you with food?,”(Turner, 242). The Natives don’t want possession over America, they just want to live freely with ensured safety over themselves and family. They get confused when they get turned on because they did everything to help them, they wanted no conflict, they allowed them into america, so they seen the true colors and it ended really bad for the

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