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Masculinity and femininism
Masculinity and femininism
Masculinity and femininism
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1. Masculinity and femininity are concepts that are difficult to define. One problem is trying to keep them separate from the concepts of male and female, which is not easy. The lines between these concepts is blurred for many of us, because we are raised associating femininity with females and masculinity with males. Femininity and masculinity are in many ways societal constructs and many of us will find that we define them the way that society would. When I think of the concept of masculinity some of the properties that come to mind are strength, aggressive, assertive, athletic, and nonverbal. Some of the properties of femininity are emotional, soft, caring, empathetic, and verbal. These are properties that came to mind automatically, without much consideration or thought. They are the properties that I was taught to use when defining femininity and masculinity.
However, when looking at these words they are not things that I necessarily would use to define
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My parents did not raise my brother and I to behave in a certain way based on our biological sex. I played with dolls, like many girls do, but I also played with toy trucks. I loved playing in the dirt and was impossible to keep clean, while my brother hated getting dirty. We both learned to cook and do laundry and we also both learned how to use tools. These experiences have a very big effect on my perception and make me view the concepts very differently than a person that was raised with traditional gender roles. I also cannot tell you what the requirements of masculinity and femininity are, but I can for male and female. While there are certain traits that I may consider to be more feminine or more masculine, but they are not actual requirements of either concept. A car must have doors, but something or someone does not have to have strength or body hair to be
When a couple is expecting a child most parents say something along the lines of, “I don’t care if it’s a boy or a girl, I just want them to be healthy” but as that baby grows older and starts to express themselves a lot of times parents change how they feel. “My Son Wears Dresses; Get Over it” by Matt Duron is a great example of a set of parents who didn’t change how they felt. They loved their child no matter what he wore. They had a baby boy who grew up and decided that girl things like painting nails and wearing dresses made him more comfortable. His parents labeled it “gender creative”. I connect with this story because I too could be labeled as “gender creative” and feel very passionate about letting
Brannon, Linda. "Chapter 7 Gender Stereotypes: Masculinity and Femininity." Gender: Psychological Perspectives. 4th ed. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, 2005. 159-83. Print.
All over the world Masculinity has many different cultural definitions. Depending where someone is from, and what they were brought up to believe, defines what the term “masculinity” entails. Different Social institutions all over the United States, such as the military, sports, clubs, and fraternities, have been constructing their interpretation of masculinity. One major social institution that is active in thousands of Universities across the United States is campus fraternities. Campus fraternities create their own sense of masculinity by generating certain requirements and characteristics a man must hold in order to represent them as a part of their fraternity.
Different from female and male which can describe animals, femininity and masculinity are personal and human. That is femininity refers to qualities and behaviors associated with women and girls and masculinity is manly character, it specifically describes men. Femininity has traditionally included features such as gentleness, patience and kindness. On the contrary, men?s chief qualities are strength, courage and violence.
Society has taught its people that men are supposed to have certain and different characteristics than women and vice versa. What is difficult to understand is why society split the uncomplicated human characteristics in to two categories. Jensen brings up two important questions in this text pertaining to the separation of characteristics, “What makes these distinctly masculine characteristics? Are they not simply human characteristics?” These questions are really important to discuss because whether an individual is male or female they are still a human and all humans have access to the same set of characteristics. Males and females can express masculinity and they can both express emotions because they are each human. Jensen’s main point about characteristics is that any characteristic can apply to males or females because characteristics are not sex based, they are human
Femininity is seen as a set of attributes, behaviors, and rules generally associated with girls and women in the society, it is often perceived as a social construction.
These two clusters of attributes are most commonly seen as mirror images of one another with masculinity usually characterized by dominance and aggression, and femininity by passivity and s...
In today’s society, it can be argued that the choice of being male or female is up to others more than you. A child’s appearance, beliefs and emotions are controlled until they have completely understood what they were “born to be.” In the article Learning to Be Gendered, Penelope Eckert and Sally McConnell- Ginet speaks out on how we are influenced to differentiate ourselves through gender. It starts with our parents, creating our appearances, names and behaviors and distinguishing them into a male or female thing. Eventually, we grow to continue this action on our own by watching our peers. From personal experience, a child cannot freely choose the gender that suits them best unless our society approves.
To be a man, as defined by James Emry a M.A. from USC. Masculine Psychology, Social Behaviorism & Marriage emphasis, “…masculinity is defined by the EXISTENCE of positive traits like strength, honor, and resilience. Negative masculinity focuses on the ABSENCE of softer traits like compassion, understanding, and caring” (Emry 1). If a man shows the slightest bit of feminine traits they are criticized and judged harshly by those around them. The U.S. in particular has created this unrealistic standard for men that will never be reached. Everyday a boy/man, “…feels inferior because he is unable to fit the standard” (Olson 1). Some men take this complex standard on as a full time job. They constantly workout to maintain the physique that is acquired of men and feel that they have to constantly be emotionally distant in order to seem
Women and men are allocated to a gender role and we all must act out the masculine or feminine behavior as arranged by our society and our culture. Femininity is usually associated with traits such as emotionality, cautiousness, collaboration, common sense, and fulfillment.
Masculinity reflect that power distribution between men and women in organization. Today 21 century still some country has not given same authority to women what men have in corporate. So that men always dominant to women. A high score (men 's) in this activity demonstrates that the overall population will be pushed by the achievement, the acknowledgment and fulfillment, with execution portrayed by the victor / best in the field –its starting from the school and proceeds along the climate of organization. If low score (female) in the scale implies that always dealing with other individuals caring and personal satisfaction and give value them. The analysis on gender basis it’s viewed that Germany has scored 66 male work in organization. It means male has more power, assertiveness and achievement compare to female in
There were several instances in my childhood when my Family had a direct influence on me according to my gender. Right from birth my role as an individual was predestined. The gifts I was to receive at a baby shower were all based around my gender. It would have been unheard of for someone to give me pink clothes or flowery decorations at my baby shower. Young boys have always been told not to cry when they fall and scrape their knees. Comments like these from family members definitely had an impact on my aspirations. My dream to be a fire fighter was most likely related to those comments to not cry. Being a fire fighter would definitely be an occupation where stress would be high. If I could be a fire fighter I would definitely have the opportunity to prove to my parents that I could be strong and not cry. The media was also a factor that had a large impact on my childhood ambitions. Television is a great example of this. In almost all Television shows the gender roles are very prominent. Things such as male characters being strong or in positions of authority are prevalent. Even th...
It isn’t hard for me to think back to my gendered socialization, strictly because me being a man was drilled into my head since the day that I was born. I was born on January 6th 1985 in a suburb of Olathe Kansas, and In Olathe high school sports are everything. I have pictures of me when I was five months old with cowboy outfits, and football uniforms. As I became old enough to walk I was thrown into every sport possible. I played football, baseball, soccer, and basketball. I had practice year round sometimes everyday, and no matter how much complaining I did I was at every practice everyday. My father wanted me to be the best at everything I did; therefore I spent many nights after practice practicing with him. When I was that young I enjoyed every second of practice with my father. Being the best was so deeply instilled in me that anytime I failed it was a catastrophe to me. For example in baseball I would probably only strike out three to four times a season, which is great looking back now, but when I did strike out I became irate. I would be kicked out of those three or fo...
Masculinity and femininity are two terms, which have been interpreted differently throughout history. Both the males and the females have responsibilities and duties but these duties differ based on one’s gender. Gender has played a prodigious role in the economy, politics, and the society. Everyone starts making interpretations of the strengths and weaknesses based on one’s gender. These interpretations are not always based on his or her ability but is usually based on his or her gender. Males tend to be judged as extremely strong and unfashionable in terms of appearance. Whereas, females are judged as expensive and very fashionable. Males and females both differ in their abilities and their enjoyments. Fashion, entertainment, and strength are three topics, which are used to define masculinity and femininity in the 21st century.
Another masculine characteristic is to be athletic, have economic success power and possession. Women are seen as objects and not humans. How women are human too and they should be treated the same way as men do. Just because women have different features than they do doesn 't mean they aren 't capable of the same things. You can also see this in the media they go along with the generalization that Society has placed rolls upon women and men. Media has a major effect on how we portray men and women. Our generation is persuaded by media. If a boy or girl acting a certain they want to copy their action. Whatever they see their gender the most common to enforce that it what they can see to the norms for their