Differences Between Aibileen And Calpurnia

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First, Aibileen and Calpurnia are very alike in many ways but they have their differences. In the book Calpurnia tells scout s the Finch’s maid. She spends most of her day at the house taking care of Jem and Scout, leaving only at night. Cal teaches the kids many lessons, especially Scout. An example of this is when she tells scout “Don't matter who they are, anybody sets foot in this house, they are company and don't let me catch you remarking on their ways like you were so high and mighty”(Lee ) This quote from the book shows how Calpurnia raised the kids and that she was a mother figure to them. This begins to show a way Calpurnia will relate to Aibileen from The Help. In the movie Aibileen was also a maid for a white family. In the movie …show more content…

In the book Scout is a six year old girl who is not like the traditional girl her aunt wants her to be. She wears overalls and plays outside with her brother, Jem and Dill. Throughout the story she shows how different she is from everyone else. when I said I could do nothing in a dress, she said I wasn't supposed to be doing things that required pants. Aunt Alexandra's vision of my deportment involved playing with small stoves, tea sets, and wearing the Add-A-Pearl necklace(Lee ). Skeeter is also very different from her friends and other girls her age. Scout went to college, got a job, and she dresses and looks differently from the girls. That is how Scout and Skeeter are alike but there is a way they are different also. In The Help Skeeter was not racist at all and she respected and maybe felt some sympathy for them. In the movie she is writing a book about the maids and how they are treated. While listening to them and writing them she thinks “I expected the stories to be sweet, glossy. I realized I might be getting more than I bargained for”(“Quotes” IMBd The Help). This shows the difference between the two of them because Scout goes along with what other people say and think about race. In the beginning she says the N word all the time because that's what everyone else says. She doesn't seem to have her own view on the

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