Difference Between Transaction Management And Transaction Processing System

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How do MIS differ from a Transaction Processing System? Information systems have become very important assets to many organizations in modern times. For an organization to become more effective, efficient and competitive, companies are making use of these information systems such as Management information system and transaction processing system. According to Laudon & Laudon, 2014, every business firm has systems to support different groups or level of management and one systems output is another systems input,
For a clear distinction between Transaction processing system and Management information system the below must be considered,
Users and sources of inputs
Transaction processing system generates data at the operational level and makes available information that is used heavily by Management information system. A transaction processing system collects and stores data about transactions and sometimes controls decisions made as part of the transaction by Valacich and Christoph Schneider (Information Systems Today: Managing in the Digital World (6th Edition). The constituency of o...

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