Understanding Parole: History and Post-Prison Challenges

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Parole and Prisoner Re-entry When you do something bad in society, such as commit a crime, you are punished. Your punishment can be a fine, or depending on the severity, a prison sentence. After you do your sentence you are then placed on parole. Parole is things that you can and cannot do. They are rules that have to be followed. If these rules are broken, then that revokes your parole and back to prison you go. You have to understand the terms of your parole to the fullest. Certain things you did before you did your time, you won’t be able to do once released. One big factor is hanging around convicted felons. This will have you back in the hole. Somewhere were most people do not want to be. History of Parole The history of parole starts back in the days of the 1700’s. It was used as a way for prisoners to basically promise that they would not return because of the same conflicting issues that landed them there. When dealing with parole you need to know the definition of parole. Parole means the conditional release of inmates by a parole board prior to the expiration of their sentence. This in regular words means following guidelines and not coming back to the prison. Some people have …show more content…

They would want more out of life when they returned into society. Family time, missing out on kids, it means a lot to people when they have great things to look ahead to when they have something good waiting on them (Reynolds 2003). These reasons help the upper hand people to understand when and how it is effective. The rates for prison reentry changed drastically in the early years. But as the crimes got worse, the more and more the effectiveness went down. How Would it make you feel to know your child is locked away in a prison for a petty crime? Knowing you raised them right or doing all that you could to make everything perfect so they could live life as you wanted them to. No

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