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2 views of corporate social responsibility
Social corporate responsibility
Social corporate responsibility
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Recommended: 2 views of corporate social responsibility
About the corporate social and environmental sustainability, it is a really important thing for corporate, social and the environment.
The corporate social which involves the corporate social responsibility, it is a moral or the ideological theory. In the corporate social people will focus more on whether the government, the bigger company, institutions or individual has or not for the responsibility to contributes to society. Also, this divided into positive and the negative, the different between two way is positives refers to the responsibility of participation and the negative means have a responsibility not to participle. But some companies always beyond the standard of ethical, legal and public, while commercial activities are also considering
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First, the social sustainability is ability of community to develop process and structures which not only meet the needs of its current members but also support the ability of future generations to maintain a healthy community. Second, the economic sustainability is use of various strategies for employing existing resources optimally so that a responsible and beneficial balance can be achieved over the longer term. Third, environmental sustainability is refers that the maintenance of the factors and practices contribute to the quality of environment on a long-term basis.
In the society, now many companies have the concept to think more about the sustainability, because sustainability which can make their business has more profit.
Nowadays, the sustainability is the topical issue, which is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need. In the business process, the companies will product toxic gas or the other toxic substances influence environment or biodiversity, it will influence the ecological cycle and their live. The water and their food will influence more, because in our life we need water and food to stain life, which is the necessity for human and the
The basic definition of social responsibility is that all companies should embrace more than just the focus of maximizing profits, and should have as part of their business model the goal to have a positive impact upon the society in which they operate. (Investopedia, 2014) Some businesses believe that social responsibility can only be applied to individuals and not to a corporation or business entity, and that the social responsibility of business is only to maximize the profits of the company for the shareholders of the organization. By maximizing the profits of a business, society as defined by these companies, is benefiting because the business is successful adding value to the entire society in which the company is operating.
Social responsibility can be defined as “the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large” (Mallen Baker, 2004). In addition, social responsibility has been defined differently by various corporate leaders that provide guidelines which impacts how one manages the core business. Social responsibility is an essential part of a business. If managed correctly should strengthen the competitive spirit of the company and provide prosperity to society.
Every business has a social responsibility toward society. That means to maximize positive affects and minimize negative affects on the society. Social responsibilities includes economic-to produce goods and services, that society needs at the price, that satisfy both-business and consumers, legal responsibility-laws that business must obey, ethical responsibilities-behaviors and activities that are expected of business by society, but are not codified in the law, philanthropic responsibilities-represent the company’s desire to give back to society (charietys, volunteering, sponsoring).
In conclusion, I have to say that there is a solid invisible relationship between impacts of businesses on environments, profitability of sustainable business, and responsibility of business. When one of these ones changes, it will effect to others. When a business adapts efficient and sustainable system, it will reduce negative externalities and increase positive externalities to environment. Once the business adapted efficient business model, it will reduce cost and maximize its profits. Obviously, the sustainable and efficient business model will make the business social more responsible to environments.
The arguments for and against corporate social responsibility have captured two points of view. Those who believe that organizations should not be concerned about social responsibility base many of their arguments on the costs involved and whether organizations should shoulder those costs on behalf of society. And those who are in favor feel that organizations benefit from society and, therefore, have an obligation to improve it. Although there is no universal agreement, surveys and other reports express that many organizations are, becoming increasingly active in addressing social
Important companies like Shell, DuPont, BP have been reorganised to generate profits from this green market of goods and services. In this sense, it may sound altruistic, "the sustainability", the logic of profitability and competition is what will determine the ability of companies of the future to meet the changing needs of consumers. This premise of "sustainability" as a necessary quality to be competitive, falls short, according to Bryan Walsh of Time magazine. In a 2007 article, the expert shows how "sustainable" is helping to drive out competition, given the approach taken by companies to become more efficient, flexible and cutting waste, which helps them provide better products and reduce costs. Companies that refuse to accept that they will face a strict and demanding environment.
7). Their definition was as follows: “ It is in the hands of humanity to make development sustainable… to meet the needs and aspirations of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own. (SHRM, 2011, p. 7).” Sustainability is the organization’s commitment to balance financial performance with contributors to the quality of life of employees, society at large, and environmentally sensitive initiatives (SHRM, 2011, p. 2). Workplace sustainability requires observation of the following: work force diversity, environmental impact, bribery and corruption, community involvement, ethical sourcing of goods, human rights, product safety, and product usefulness (Epstein & Roy, 2001, p. 588). Creation of a stable, sustainability culture can support the company’s efforts to reach its long term goals; however, sustainable practices are more often found in medium and large staff-sized organizations, publicly and for-profit companies and multinational companies (SHRM, 2011, p.
Business sustainability consists of three components, these are: social, economic and environmental. The business has to consider these three components as the business must make a maximized profit (economic) but must not in any way damage the environment in the long term (environmental). The business must also take care of social issue and people and communities as they are support the business.
There are some various definitions of sustainable community, but mainly it is defined as advocating sustainable living by which the communities were planned, built, or modified to support sustainability within the specification. They focus on more than just the environmental issues by creating and sustaining focus on the economic, social equality, community health, urban structure and resources and local government. They continue to confront and address the challenges and issues through seeking cooperative solutions instead of disjointed suggestions targeted to meet some goals while over looking others. They also know that they must focus on the long-term as well as the current day. The core of community sustainability is the interaction and
So, if these multinational corporations have such strong influence, it is their responsibility to activate change in terms of sustainability. Sustainability is the number one problem our society faces today. Sustainability refers to social, environmental, and economic behavior that aims to maintain our resources so that the world and everyone on it can continue to exist in a prosperous manner. Social sustainability is “identifying and managing business impact, both positive and negative, on people.”
However, there can be more definitions about what Corporate Social Responsibility can be. For example, Corporate Social Responsibility can be the commitment which is continuing for a business to behave ethically and bring to economy the development to improve the workforces’ of the whole society and local community and their families’ quality of life. Corporate Social Responsibility is also known as the obligation of a company to serve the society’s interest and of course its own. With the help of the Corporate and Social Responsibility, social and environmental concerns companies can integrate into their business and stakeholders operations.
Environmental sustainability is making decisions and taking actions in the interest of protecting the natural world, preserving the capability of the environment to support human life and ensuring that humans use the environment in a way that does not harm the environment. It also questions how economic development affects our environment vice versa.
We all know the urbanization rate is an index to value the development of a country. However, though urbanization provides great convenience to some individuals, it also brings about negative effects. Problems such as pollution, overcrowded and the high unemployment appear during the process of urbanization and they are hard to cope with. In face of the sequence of problems, a new way of development ----sustainable development was put forward. Just like its literal meaning, the word sustainability has something to do with continuity. It was used since 1980s and first appeared in Britain law in 1993. Sustainable development can help solve parts of the problem caused by urbanization, including environmental damage, overuse of resources, and natural disasters.
In the current time of growth and progression, individuals should know that how a business not only flourish but sustain itself. Making profit is one of the main targets of every corporates but it must not be the only one. When an individual builds a company in order to do business, they should be well aware of their contribution towards the society as well as their business and employees in it. It is total strategy of all. We should be able to realize every increment contributes of it. One of the major factors that affect a business is how well it participates in Corporate Social Responsibility. According to (Werther & Chandler, 2006) corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to a business practice that involves participating in initiatives that benefits the society. In authenticity, there is a whole lot to argue about it. There are no major guidelines that decides either a business is participating in Corporate Social Responsibility; what might be considered a Business practicing CSR to some, can still not be accepted for it by others. CSR may be restrained a term which his highly flexible. This paper will discuss about Corporate Social Responsibility and its
Corporate Social Responsibility is management’s obligation to protect and promote their stakeholders welfare. Social Responsibility is more than just obvious ethical issues like honesty and integrity in business dealings.