Dieter Rams Ten Principles of Good Design

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The essay below is a reflection upon Dieter Rams ten principles of good design and the article Dieter Rams on good design as a key business advantage

Good design according to my understanding so far is all about human-centred design that is, designing to meet particular needs of people in the society. Therefore, any design that does not satisfy people’s needs no matter how beautiful it may look is not a good design. After reading Dieter Rams’ ten principles of good design, some of them where things I could relate to my understanding of good design but others were not. The ones that were in synchronisation with my view of good design are discussed in the succeeding paragraphs.

The first principle says that good design is innovative. I relate with this principle because I believe that design thinking is a systematic way of being innovative. This means that the outcome of every good design thinking is an innovative design. Also I agree with Dieter Rams that innovative design moves along side with innovative technology. I think this also points to the fact that the style of a design should keep changing since technology keeps changing.

The second principle that correlates with my understanding of a good design emphasises that good design makes a product useful. I accept this principle because, as a human-centred designer, I see a good design to be any design that is useful enough to meet the needs of the people you are designing for. The usefulness of a product is the main reason why human-centred designers have to go through the empathy stage of the design process to enable them understand their users as well as their needs better to design a product that will suit those needs. A design that is useful to the user is theref...

... middle of paper ... cannot absolutely avoid waste because, and good designs intend to meet the needs of people and not the greed of people.

Generally, I think Dieter Ram’s ten principles of good design as well as his article “Dieter Rams on good design as a key business advantage” captures my view point of a good design although I disagree with some of his principles. I think on the whole if I am to score his principles with respect to my understanding of good design, I would score him nine (9) out of ten (10) marks. To conclude, I think Dieter’s ten principles and article adequately captures good design.


Hustwit, G. (Director). (2009). Objectified [Motion Picture]

Rams, D. (2013, November 09). Web. 29 May 2015.

Rams, D. (n.d.). Web. 29 May 2015.

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