Thinking about the group’s actions of the past few months, it is not difficult to find actions that would be considered deviant or criminal in pre-apocalyptic society. Two examples of our deviant behavior are when we exiled members of our group for no other reason other than we didn’t have space for them and when we were low on medicine and we put somebody’s life up to a vote. The best example of our criminal behavior is all the looting we have been doing on our supply runs. Now, all of these actions may have been considered deviant or criminal in pre-apocalyptic society, but what about now? I don’t think that anyone in our group considers our looting to be deviant or criminal, we are just doing what we must to survive. As for the group holding
... show that criminality and “evil” are not that different, as we tend to define them, but normal human responses that merely become amplified and find a destructive outlet.
Looting a corpse isn’t really something that’s really looked up to in a normal society. Considering that he is no longer in a normal society anymore the morals and rules don’t really apply to him anymore.
When humanity is faced with a great challenge, inevitably they always find a way to thrive. It seems that no matter what happens, no matter how bleak a situation becomes, there is always someone who is willing to fight back. This mentality has been all but lost in humanity in the short story “Amnesty” by Octavia Butler. Throughout the story we continually find out more information about the ways that humans as a whole have been changed by the arrival of an alien species known simply as Communities. Through the analysis of this short story I will delve into why the main character is an exception in this story by examining the position of power she has taken and how she is using this position of power. While Noah seems to be a victim of her circumstances
We need to take a more humane approach in everything we do. Deviance is inevitable. We need to focus on the larger issue; finding ways to protect people from deviance that harms them and harms others. We need to tolerate what is not harmful, and develop systems of fairer treatment so we would not be confused over another Robby.
Social deviancy is the violation of social norms. A deviant is someone who rejects folkways and mores. Any action that violates the values or rules of a social group is deviant behavior. In order to actually be characterized as a deviant, the individual must be detected committing a deviant act and be stigmatized by society. A stigma is a mark of social disgrace, setting the deviant apart from the group. Criminality is healthy for society. Deviance affirms our cultural values and norms. Responding to deviance clarifies moral boundaries and brings people together. There will always be people who break society’s rules and that’s important.
Menace II Society, a film about a young Black man who has lived the “hustler” lifestyle and is struggling to leave it, is a perfect example of deviance as the main character, Caine Lawson, and the characters around him violate many of society’s norms. Throughout the film, the characters swear incessantly, carry around guns and drugs as most people would carry around cell phones, commit street crimes, especially burglary and mugging, on a regular basis, and beat and kill people unscrupulously. The following quote captures just how deviant Caine and the other characters in this film were, “[Caine] went into the store just to get a beer. Came out an accessory to murder and armed robbery. It's funny like that in the hood sometimes. You never knew what was gonna happen, or when” (Albert Hughes). Why would Caine consider these crimes “funny”, or rather, so insignificant? What caused Caine to become so deviant? The answers to such questions were woven into the plot of the film and will be discussed in the following paragraphs.
The movie The Boondock Saints provides an excellent example of positive deviance through innovation. The Social theory of deviance can easily explain the brothers’ actions. The movie can be used to study deviance as the brothers kill people who are mafia members, breaking the norms of society. Even though the acts they are committing are clearly illegal and deviant, the people of South Boston do not react in a negative way. Since the Social theory is very broad, it will be easier to look at the brother’s acts under three sub theories: Labeling, Conflict and Strain theories.
Deviant behavior is sociologically defined as, when someone departs from the “norms”. Most of the time when someone says deviance they think against the law or acting out in a negative behavior. To sociologists it can be both positive and negative. While most crimes are deviant, they are not always. Norms can be classified into two categories, mores and folkways. Mores are informal rules that are not written; when mores are broken, they can have serious punishments and sanctions. Folkways are informal rules that are just expected to be followed, but have no real repercussions.
American History X is a great film that delivers a very strong message about deviant behavior. The story of Derek Vineyard and Danny inspires a lot in terms of changing the deviant behavior through various social concepts. The film shows good application of these theories and it involves the audience into a gripping tale of the change one hoes through to fight deviance and get through the tough journey of correcting oneself and choosing the right path.
The methodology involved with the research of this paper will differ from the vast majority of papers done for this assignment. While it takes some time for deviance and criminal behavior to rear its ugly head, it would not be appropriate to explain this story without first supplying the background narrative.
History shows people in ancient times committed crimes which violated social norms and acceptable conduct despite threats of harsh punishment. There are theories regarding causes of crime but that by Emile Durkheim is quite prominent in that anomie arises as result of mismatch between individual or group standards when compared to the acceptable standards of wider society; this mismatch leads to deviance which in turn came from loss of social identity and self-regulation.
After 42 long days the Tucson bus strike ended with a new contract to the union member. During this time period members of the Tuscon community conducted their own fair strike. People walked on the bus and refused to pay for their ride. On a normal scale this would be considered a “misbehavior” or a “deviant” act. However, the book links conduct misbehavior as an analytic category and not an empirical one. Therefore, it is the context of the misbehavior will influence whether it will be determined as a deviant act or develop into a social moment. When comparing an individual’s misconduct to a collective group, you can look at the collective group doing the same act and it can be considered a social movement. The same can be said about the Tuscon fair strike. I’ve been in a situation where someone
Frank Trippett, in his excerpt,”A Red Light for Scofflaws,” argues that social order is affected by law-abiding citizens casually breaking the law. Frank supports this argument by asserting that more and more people today are becoming scofflaws. He continues by saying “people only think law-and-order is affected by violent crime.” The author's purpose is to inform people that casually breaking the law has a larger impact on society than just an innocent piece of trash on the ground. The author creates an informative one for ignorant citizens. The casual breakage of laws has a large effect on the grand scheme of social order in a society.
Truly understanding the motivation and rationale behind action is often subjective. Biases are evident within society and can skew perceptions of behaviour. However, the foundation for action can be understood by looking at what role societal or cultural pressures have become placed upon individuals. Furthuremore, Militia movements that have evolved into modern socetiy must be understood from a strucutral, soiteal vantage point instaed of an individual pathology ( 223). Traditional theories for studying criminals focus on the brain pathology or childhood trauma which shaped an individual into a degranged killer. However, strucural changes within society have the ability to push anyone over the edge. Economic and deccelopmental changes that
Collective moral responsibility discusses measures suitable for addressing extensive damage and misconduct related to the activities of groups. The vital workings of the simple idea of moral responsibility are acutely engrained in the fabric of all societies and are constitutive of community life. A society will not be identifiable as a human one, regardless of any extents of creative visions, unless it holds some idea of moral responsibility. When it comes to individuals and the basic model of moral responsibility that applies to that individual, it seems there is a general consensus. However, where the argument lies is with application of moral responsibility to a group and the group’s affiliates. Collective moral respo...