Developmental Psychology

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Questions of Developmental Psychology Nature versus nurture has been a subject for debate for an extended period of time. Although some psychologists prefer to take a side of either nature or nurture, in human development both are equally important. Undoubtedly, genes play a vital role in predetermination of preferences, personality traits, and overall character of an individual. However, the environment plays an equally important role in human development. Derived characteristics are as strong representation of a human being as genetics. Essentially, an individual is built as a result of both nature and nurture. Often, the combination of environmental and genetic influences is so complex, that in order to better understand this relationship, …show more content…

Children begin by learning from parents and caregivers, then transition into a broader social pool of teachers, mentors, peers, colleagues, and so on. Whether consciously or unconsciously, people tend to mimic the behavior of their role models and avoid behavior of more disliked individuals. Often, a way to self discovery is found through understanding the behavior of others and comparing it to self characteristics and habits. Contrarily, social influence may force to camouflage own behavioral characteristics under pressure of social norms. So forth, individual behaviors reflect the traits of an individual as well as adjustments to social demand, making human behavior even more complex. Social learning experience is more complicated than learning about the physical world, because values, morality, relationship, and other aspects of society are not tangible and are not fully understood. However, the process of social learning makes learning about the physical world appear with more clarity and help build relationship among individuals. Relationships classify into different types by characteristics and the purpose and nature they present. However, just as human behavior and development, relationships can be complicated and unique among individuals. Essentially, the basis of relationships, as most perceive it are experienced similarly among individuals. Yet, such experiences may …show more content…

However, some developmental psychologists still debate regarding the passive learning versus active learning of a child. Children do to repeat every move of their immediate family or friends, they begin by processing and analyzing. The ability to think critically develops with age, but children tend to show that they are capable to control their beliefs, behaviors, and relationship independently from learning. This model remains with an individual though lifetime. In general, the ability to control emotions and behaviors is human genetic potential. So forth, an individual is capable to shape his own character and discipline to meet his own goals. Since this is a task performed by mental processes, those who experience complications or mental disabilities may encounter difficulties with active learning. Another factor that can affect the ability for active learning is medication. The affect can be both positive and negative variable among individual circumstance. Medications directly affect brain receptors by either stimulating a certain receptor or inhibiting one. Depending on the purpose of a specific medication, the results may be beneficial or not beneficial. Although, this subject is highly debatable, avoiding medication to protect mental equilibrium, when possible, is always a best idea. Normally, the risk factors will be weighted by a medical professional prior to making a decision, and parents will be encouraged to research the topic

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