Development Reflections: Development Through Childhood Reflection

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Development Through Childhood Reflections The first thing that comes to mind with development through the lifespan is one term , and that term would have to be “growth”. Throughout the course of a child 's life there is not a single facet that does not end up changing and it does not happen just once , change happens over and over and over. Every part of their life changes and so they are repeatedly swung back and forth from here to there. At no time is this more pronounced than during puberty , in comparison to how one was when they were a child they completely change , their cognition 's change , their body changes , even their personality can radically change. It certainly is scary , but the good that ends up being done through this …show more content…

As they start off as toddlers the changes are not very much , there is small growth in the body , growth in the brain , and they pick up some words here and there and may know how to use them. The major changes come later though and mostly during the teen years , the first part of it is massive growth in the body and severe changes to the mind and how they see other people , suddenly attraction between sexes become apparent and so do the differences between them as bodies develop. All throughout this time they are growing not only physically but there is also a great deal of mental and emotional growth. Indeed all the way through young adulthood their brains continue to expand and change , capable of more coherent and complex thought such as dialetical thought which is when someone can compare to opposite ideals and come to a decision based on the data between them except without a compromise. (Berger , 2004) And of course growth does not stop there “Connections between different parts of the brain increase throughout childhood and well into adulthood“ (The Teen Brain: Still Under Construction , 2011) shows that mental growth continues to grow even after just young adulthood , all through their adult life it continues to …show more content…

Children grow in the body through various ways , their inner body systems change , they grow taller , get heavier , and a myriad of other things. The one defining time of growth would again be during adolescence when the sex traits and major height growth takes place. During this time there is a large growth in hair on both although most often it is more prominent on men such as through facial hair and beards but the most significant growth shared by the two would be the growth in height and changes in hormones. The latter is especially important when it comes to sexual changes during these times , women start coming to a point when they menstruate and men get to a point of sexual maturity when they begin to produce sperm. Along with these aforementioned changes in the sexes there are other changes that take place such as the dropping of the testes in males and the growth in the mammary glands in the chest for

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