Determining the Effect of Light Intensity on Photosynthesis

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Determining the Effect of Light Intensity on Photosynthesis Aim In this experiment, I intend to alter the light intensity and measure its effect on photosynthesis through the production of oxygen Introduction Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants provide a source of energy for respiration. The formula is as follows- Carbon dioxide + water Carbon dioxide and water are chemically combined to produce glucose (the energy source) and oxygen (a waste product). Since it is impossible to measure the uptake of carbon dioxide in school laboratory conditions and water uptake is not an accurate measure of photosynthesis due to the loss of water through the stomata in transpiration, I will need to measure the products in order to have an idea of the rate of photosynthesis. Glucose is stored within the plant and is therefore not a feasible way of measuring photosynthetic rate. However oxygen is released as a waste gas through the stomata (pores located mostly on the underside of the leaves) and can be collected and measured. I will use this information to formulate my plan. Other factors to consider As the equation for photosynthesis shows, both carbon dioxide and water can be limiting factors, i.e. if they are not present in sufficient quantities, they will slow the rate of photosynthesis. However, the chemical equation does not show four other important factors, which will need to be taken into account. These are as follows- 1. The reaction is endothermic. This means it takes energy from the surroundings in order to provide the activation energy for the reaction. The energy that is taken in duri... ... middle of paper ... ...ave already mentioned. Firstly, I have found out that chlorophyll absorbs light at different wavelengths. I could investigate the effect of different wavelengths on photosynthesis. This might give me an indication as to whether or not the wavelength of the light was the cause of my graph not levelling off. I would expect, if I used a red light source, the graph would level off fairly quickly because all of the light would be being absorbed and used effectively. In conclusion, I believe that the results I have gained in this investigation are extremely reliable due to the use of a computer simulation. As discussed, in the lab, my method has many sources of error, but if I were to repeat this investigation I would make the changes suggested above to try to eliminate the possible sources of error as far as possible.

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