What is a Superhero? People ask this question all the time and a lot of definitions of it this word. Some say a superhero is just a fictional character such as Batman, Superman, and Spiderman, but others would say they are people protect them such as soldiers, police, and firefighters. My definition of a superhero is someone who fictional or non-fiction that is willing to put others before themselves to help protect people. This definition may cover a wide range of people, but it covers comics, soldiers fighting for their freedom of others, and people get into the moment and help others with not thinking about it.
First, One type of superhero are the fictional ones that are commonly found in comic books with superpowers and gadgets. Superman
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Real life superheroes have been around from the beginning of time from stopping crooks from taking a special rock to stopping a robbery at a bank they all are superheroes. Right now in America, there is a big deal with police people claiming that they are all bad cops for picking on them of their color of their skin. Bad cops are pretty rare to find, but for every bad cop, there are thousands of good cops doing their job properly helping other people. The most thought about real life superheroes are the people that we send off to war to fight for our rights of all Americans by putting their life on the line. Most of the time with any position in putting their life on the line to protect people from evils of the world there is that chance that they will pay the ultimate sacrifice of dying in the line of duty. Unfortunately, in the history of America, the people don’t respect the superheroes in our would. For example during the Vietnam War when people protested the war the citizens that didn’t have the guts to go overseas to fight because their country needed some more soldiers got back home some the people got disrespected by the hippies. Another type of hero is firefighters who go into burning building or take people of out cars after having an accident. These people can an event be people in the medical field too like …show more content…
On youtube, you can find thousands of videos of people quickly reacting to an emergency and leaping into action to help save someone or even a creature of some sort. Most of these people are pretty normal, but they just get into that moment and go into action. For example, someone driving down a highway and sees a burning car but the people are still in the vehicle. Some people will call 911, but a select few will stop and run over to that burning car to pull out that person. This type of action of putting oneself in danger without proper training is not recommended but sometimes is necessary to do. If you help save someone like this you will look good and you are most importantly are helping others in the need of help. People sometimes just get into the moment sometimes and go out of there way to help someone in serious
Although not every hero shouts “Avengers Assemble” before a worthy deed, heroism is shown in all aspects of the everyday world. Webster Dictionary has exactly 5 definitions under the word hero and still no two people explain heroism the same. Superman and Captain America are a glimpse of the fictional characters society titles a hero. Firefighters and Military portray heroism each day in the lives of every civilian. As Sullivan and Venter stated “individuals are referred to as ‘heroes’ for seemingly different reasons” and even through endless studies the adjectives referring heroes is ever changing.
Webster’s dictionary defines a hero as any man admired for his courage, qualities or exploits, especially in war. Some people attribute the term hero mostly to war. My personal definition of a hero is someone who takes a stand against evil or an unjust cause. The term hero can be applied to anyone, it isn’t necessary to save the world from explosion to be a hero. The act of standing up for a friend can also be called a heroic act.
Not all superheroes wear capes. As an example, in the novel, ‘The Hobbit’, Bilbo Baggins goes from Hobbit to Hero as the book progresses. Throughout the novel, Bilbo fends off a variety of monsters, from goblins to a killer dragon! At first, he wouldn’t even leave his little hobbit hole, but he seeked out a mass murderer’s weak point! That is amazing! How did he manage to do that? Well, he developed the characteristics of a good ol’ hero along the way, those being strong and brave, clever and intelligent, and the ability to be selfless in all of the right situations.
Generally when you think of a hero, who do you envision? Most likely, you picture a strong and imposeing figure, someone capable of performing in high pressure situations, demonstrating bravery and passion to help his/her fellow man. Those who typically fit that role in society are firefighters, policemen, and soldiers. Those people deserve all the credit and recognition they receive for their courageous acts. However, what about individuals or groups who aren’t necessarily on the “frontlines” physically protecting others and saving lives, but who work extremely hard to improve the lives of others in some way? These everyday people deserve credit as well. After all, to the people they help, these volunteers or activists are heroes. An example of such a group is the Greensboro Four, a few African American college students in the early 1960s who helped change the landscape of segregation in the Jim Crow South.
Recently, students of Olympian High School have stumbled upon the question, "What is a hero?" In the school's 2013 Young Minds Essay Contest, students are expected to consider universal concerns and ideas. Many times when people think of a hero, they think of Superman, Batman, and many other Marvel characters who display unattainable superpowers. However, heroes are prevalent throughout the world. A hero can be anyone who has the desire to help others, brave in dangerous situations, and does not look at exterior gain from helping others.
A person who overcomes antagonistic and unnecessary issues in a mature and powering manor. That is the definition of a hero to me. Someone who is being hurt and sees others hurt from the actions and takes charge and does everything in his power to change it. Someone who puts others before themselves and acts in the most chivalrous way. The definition of a hero is different for everyone. Some one might think of a hero as someone who can lift a car and put it on their back, or gives a dying person their kidney. Yes all of those people are forms of hero’s. You can’t tell someone that they are not a hero just because they don’t change into a disguise in a telephone both or can throw lightning bolts from a cloud. Everyone is a hero in their own way.
A hero is defined as a person who is admired for courage, outstanding achievements or noble qualities. A hero is strong in mind and body, courageous in spirit, and selfless where others are involved. Superman and Beowulf both exhibit these characteristics. The differences between Beowulf and Superman are as obvious as their similarities.
Heroes, the unordinary beings with extravagant abilities, from powers and competence to skills and talents. Heroes are people who are idealized by society for their courage and individuality. Iconic and well recognized heroes like Hercules, Superman, Spiderman and Achilles are some of the few heroes known around. All heroes have a similarity to each other, for example Beowulf and Batman. While both can be considered great heroes, they differ significantly, yet are similar in other ways.
In my opinion, a hero is someone whose principal purpose, whether it be in one situation or over the span of their entire life, is to help others while simultaneously making the world a better place. When the word hero is brought up, the most prevailing image that comes to mind is superheroes like Batman and Superman. But I don’t think you have to have superpowers or even be well known in order to be a hero. There are people all over the world whose intention is to do selfless deeds and go out of their way for others without expectation of obtaining anything in return. These are the type of people I like to consider everyday heroes. They go through life just trying to be the best they can and trying to help as many people as they can. Whether
The difference between a superhero, as we know from movies and comics, and a traditional hero is rather unclear for many people.. In modern times, a superhero is often a being with supernatural abilities. For example, the movies depict them as individuals with super strength, night vision, the ability to climb walls, and so on. The majority of audiences have been spoiled with these unrealistic depictions and are unable to recall the real or “traditional” hero. In the texts, The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Book of Job, and Bhagavad Gita, heroes are not “as seen on television”, but something more. The heroes in these stories carry great strengths such as wisdom, patience, and pride. To illustrate these characteristics, the protagonists themselves
An English proverb states, “ A hero is a man who is afraid to run away”. I agree with this proverb, because when you see a hero in a comic book, they have super cool back stories, are not afraid to fight, and stare danger in the face and not blink. They are not afraid of anything. That’s nice to look up to, but they are not real. Our definition of a hero is too much for one man to become, you can do something honorable, heroic, but you will never actually be a hero because it's too much, in real life. Heroes don’t just do it so they can get paid, or respect. What really determines whether someone is a hero is if they choose to do something about it in a bad situation. We have people that do heroic acts, for example, people putting their lives before others. Those people cannot be heroes because they get paid to do it, they are, firefighters, cops, and military, they get paid to help people, so they aren't considered a hero.
A hero is a man who is distinguished by exceptional courage, nobility. and strength to carry out tasks that involve great risks. A hero can also be a person who fights for other people to help or save them. from their fears and fears. He opposes the villain - a person who does wicked or intentionally harm others in some way, emotionally or otherwise.
When you think of a superhero one normally thinks of Spiderman, Batman, or Superman, but there were superheroes long before these characters were created. First one must understand that the basis of this name is hero. What is a hero? A hero is a person who does something special or out of the ordinary in order to help others. It could also be someone who is admired for a characteristic about them, be it physical or mental. They are individuals that normal everyday people can look up to. This being the case, a superhero is nothing more then someone who is a hero, but not just that once and for that one person, but someone who helps many people, or leads them. As time went by the number of people who were true heroes diminished and just doing something for someone was no longer big news. There had to be something more to make them stand out. The American culture needed someone or something to admire and that is where our common day superheroes come into play. It gave them a goal which could never be reached in hopes that people would never stop trying.
In today's modern times we hear the word hero all of the time. The news media throws the term around as if it is an everyday word. What exactly is a hero? Who, or what, can be classified as heroic? The correct definition of the word hero is: One invested with heroic qualities in the opinions of others. That is a fine definition for books and intellectual minds. To the average person, however, a hero is much more.
The Lone Ranger, Zorro, Batman, Superman are some of the characters that we stereotypically constitute as heroes. They are known to fight with courage without fear of death. They destroy the enemy within a blink of an eye. They fight using their own body strength, superpower, or some kind of weapon. They come to the rescue miraculously and leave without a trace. They are mysterious. We are unable to identify who they are underneath the masks and disguises. Yet, we praise them and ignore the real heroes that surround us regularly, ordinarily. “All of us …like to believe that in a moral emergency we will behave like the heroes of our youth, bravely and forthrightly, without thought of personal loss or discredit” (O’Brien 39). In other words, we are quite oblivious to the ordinary people of the world that are, in fact, the true heroes.