Descriptive Essay On Cheerleading

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Imagine a six year old little girl watching a football game. When she looks to the sidelines, she sees the mature-looking, gorgeous and happy cheerleaders starting a chant. I was that girl; I was mesmerized by the beauty and positivity of the cheerleaders. As soon as I saw them, I knew I wanted to be a cheerleader. I became obsessed with cheer and would do cartwheels around the house and jumps on my trampoline. As I entered the eighth grade, I was told about competitive cheer and knew it was for me, so I started at a gym called Unique Cheer. I quickly got my back handspring, and I was immediately put on the Senior 4.2 team. I then fell in love with cheer even more than I already was. People soon would ask me “What sport do you play?” and I …show more content…

In competitive cheerleading, there are many divisions, including coed; there are also many big competitions, including NCA (nationals), Summit, and Worlds. Cheer is a year round sport with long,harsh practices during the summer and cold, lengthy, full out practices and competitions in the winter. In competitive cheerleading, most cheerleaders have practice three to four days a week, also a two day competition on the weekend. In practices, they do not only go over and do their routine, cheerleaders run and do cardio to help condition themselves so they can have endurance while doing the routine. Finally, my last reasoning for proving cheer is a sport is cheerleading is the number one cause of concussions and injuries. In 2007, there were 26,786 hospital emergency room visits, caused by cheerleading and 15.1% of these visits pertained to head and neck injuries alone. If hurt during competition, many of the people who sustain injuries still finish performing their routine before getting help or going to the hospital. If this does not prove how tough cheerleaders are and how rough the sport can be I do not know what

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