Descriptive Essay On Being A Vegetarian

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“I would like a chalupa with no beef please,” I declared at Taco Bell. The lady stared back at me at my apparently outrageous order. “No beef? Not even chicken?” she asked me with a puzzled look. I stuck with my order of no meat. Ever since I declared that I was a vegetarian, these confused, baffled looks always came to me. How could someone refuse that juicy, red steak for some boring beans and potatoes? Initially, my parents thought it was a phase that would last a couple of weeks. They were right. For a year, I struggled on and off trying to become a true vegetarian. It was difficult, especially for a seven-year-old, to remain dedicated. By overcoming, not only temptation, but also peer pressure, I faced my battles head on. If I had a …show more content…

I had to be extremely careful about the food that was vegetarian versus non vegetarian. This went successfully until one day I arrived at a French restaurant with my friends and I could see various options of only meat around the buffet table. It was an arduous task to locate any vegetarian items that were not just a plain salad or bread. Finally, I arrived to the spinach rolls. I was so delighted to see at least one item in this restaurant was vegetarian that I piled my plate with the rolls. However, I had a gut feeling my happiness would be short-lived as I strolled back to my table. After asking my friends about the spinach rolls, I hesitatingly asked the waiter to explain the French spinach rolls to me. “Vegetarian?” he asked me and then hurriedly stated, “Yes of course of course,” as he rushed away. I had a feeling something was fishy. Looking up the French food on my phone, I felt sick when I read the “spinach rolls” were shrimp. Call it paranoia or being too cautious, but that day I realized that many people will not be able to understand the choices I make as a vegetarian. Physically, my stomach was hurting although I did not eat the shrimp rolls. Yet, even the mentality of eating meat was too much for me to

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