Descriptive Essay: Hurricane Katrina

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The distinct and powerful aroma of the approaching rainfall follows the high-speed, and destructive winds all while the intimidating black skies draw near. The sound of waves from the ocean blend in with the growing sound of the thunder rumbling as loud as the piercing shot of a gun. It’s almost as if the warm city of Cabo San Lucas was tired of its beautiful beaches and relaxing pools it decided to create a hurricane so intense it would destroy everything in its path. Creating a blank canvas to start over new revealing something much more magnificent. I listen and watch in anticipation almost clueless to the destruction and fearful anxiety that was headed my way. Starting from little rain drops, the storm began to show its true colors …show more content…

We sit in there for what seems like an eternity passing time by playing card games, and Ispy. Nothing seems to keep our minds off of what was happening. Just outside our easily fragile shelter was a brutal, powerful, and what felt like a never-ending storm ready to take down anything and everything in its path. Finally, a lifetime later the rain slows down to gentle raindrops like a light shower in the spring. The winds mellow down to a simple breeze, and only now and then we hear the faint echo of thunder. We all walk outside together bracing ourselves for what we’re going to see, and we gaze in shock. Stairs that once led to beach gone. Bars that lined up for all tourists wanting to relax by the pool destroyed. Roofs of every building mangled. Some inside stores, caused by the winds, they were shot into buildings breaking the glass windows. Sidewalks all along the coast submerged in water making walking around almost impossible. On the beach the ocean revealed a new layer of rocks and debris as the waves return to the ocean. Truly it was a sight to see what was a beautiful resort only two days earlier now sits an empty canvas-covered in trash and

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