Descriptive Essay About Snow White

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The story of Snow White is a beautiful one, I will try to summarize in my own words my all-time favorite princess. Snow white the princess turned maid who has a true loving heart, beautiful and who falls in love with a charming prince. She is pure of heart, kind to all people and to animals. A prince came to visit her at the castle, both were singing happily together falling in love with every sung word. Snow Whites evil stepmother was so jealous of her beauty and happiness, that she ordered a huntsman to kill her and cut out her heart. The stepmother wanted to be the fairest in the land and would stop at nothing to get it. The Huntsman could not commit such a heinous act, so he told Snow White to run far away from her evil stepmother. Snow …show more content…

The evil stepmother is the main source of all evil and here are some reasons why. The evil queen proves time and time again her envy, obsession with being the most beautiful and fairest in the land is the most important to her. She practices dark magic and has a hateful heart. She is a terrified and scared woman, the fear of Snow White taking her place, a younger prettier version taking the attention away from her is imaginable. Snow White is the genuine and main good person in this love story, with a heart of love, compassion, faith, tenderness, and hope. Also, there were the seven dwarfs that took Snow White in their home to help, protect, defend, love and preserve her true self from the evil stepmother. The prince would be the ultimate character that saves her from her endless and eternal sleep. His selfless act of heroism would change the land they lived for the better. He was determined to find his true love, to protect and free Snow White from her …show more content…

As a girl in this world at this day and age I can relate to the evil stepmother’s mindset. I can see how intimidating it can be especially to an insecure girl when there is a prettier girl than you and you are in direct contact with that person. In your mind and thought’s, you can’t help to feel at times jealous and view her as a threat. It is like me at my old job right before I had my son and was going to go on maternity leave. I felt fat, ugly and there was this younger, skinnier and prettier girl than me come into our department at work. She was nice to me and very sweet but I could not help to feel like she was going to replace me at my job. It was like something in my mind was telling me that my boss is going to not want me when I come back because she is going to be better at my job than me. She is younger and she does not have any children, so who is going to want me back. When I did come back all anyone could say was how great she was and pretty, so this did not help my feelings. Eventually, I got over it and she really was super nice but could see how this could have gone a different way and I could have let my insecurities get the best of

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