Describe The Different Types Of Cyberbullying In Schools

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Bullying is a type of aggressive behaviour that happens when an individual or a group of individuals show hostility towards an individual person which causes profound distress to the victim. Bullying is very serious and should never be ignored. Attacks do not have to be physical in order to cause lasting harm and to seriously undermine a child's confidence or self-esteem. Often verbal abuse, taunting and intimidation, can be just as hurtful and distressing as an actual physical attack. Persistent verbal harassment and ridicule can result in a child becoming withdrawn and may lead to self-harm or even suicide.

The most common place for a child to suffer at the hands of bullies is at school. Many children suffer bullying at school from time to time and 'fall outs' amongst friends are not uncommon in any age group. It is, however, when these misunderstandings are blown out of proportion or when a child is picked on for no apparent reason that bullying can become very serious.
Children and young people may be victims to different types of bullying. There are a number of ways in which bullies can target children and the increasing use of cyber-bullying is of particular concern since this type of bullying is often described as 'invisible'.
Bullying may be:
• Physical - pushing, kicking, hitting, pinching, …show more content…

They can develop sleeping problems or suffer from nightmares and may also suffer from a loss of appetite, stomach aches or headaches. Further consequences are a decrease in performance in school or reluctance to attend the school at all. Victims of bullying might fake illnesses to avoid having to go to school or might even develop real illnesses as a result of their delicate mental state. They lose their confidence and may try to gain it back by starting bullying out of revenge. If they lose all hope and do not get help in time, the situation can lead to bullycide which is suicide caused by

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