Describe How To Change Your Mood

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Ever feeling down and turn to the one thing that is always there? Music. A lot of people for many different reasons run to music as an alternative to a person. With the right song it can change your mood for better and sometimes for worse. What happens in your body for something so simple to change your whole mood? Music is known to hit various parts of your brain including, hippocampus, prefrontal cortex and the parietal lobe. A structure of the limbic system, the hippocampus, is responsible for navigation, spatial orientation, and the consolidation (make something stronger/more solid) of new memories. It also brings back emotional responses. Meanwhile the prefrontal cortex is in control of extreme impulses and emotion. It enables you to make good and appropriate calls so no inappropriate behaviors go on, that is why it is known as the ¨seat of good judgment.¨ Last but not least the parietal lobe is the information processing, cognition, and along with the hippocampus, in charge of the spatial orientation. …show more content…

In a way, it's telling you that the song understands you. People turn to music for everything, whether that being a relationship break up, friend break up, you just won the championship, or even lost a family member. In every single genre of music there is a song to compliment a mood. Generally when you’re in a specific mood, you lean towards the music that suits that mood. For example, if you’re sad, you go for the slower songs. If you are happy then you’re most likely listening to upbeat music that you can smile and laugh with friends. Some people can utilize music for an “escape.” Reasons ranging from mental health issues, home issues, or just for fun. People feel that once you plug in your earphones, the world has gone silent and they can “escape” whatever problem they’re facing currently. Music as an ability to take you back to a memory or past event, whether you wanted to remember it or not. Music also has its

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