Deprivation Of Color In Toni Morrison's Beloved

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Zoran Sulaver Period 4 Beloved Research Paper When slavery was practiced slaves lives were oppressed by their white masters and were forced to live dull monochromatic lives opposed to their traditional african cultures which often involved numerous colors and dynamic lifestyles. This results in slaves and former slaves living traumatized lives. In Toni Morrison’s Beloved the spurts of vibrant color rivals the constant dullness found in the characters lives to invoke the idea that deprivation of color in ones life and mindset can emphasize the meaning of the colors to evoke positive and negative emotion. Initially, the colors black and white not only show the distinct separation of races in Beloved, but in many cases are symbols for the …show more content…

Morrison does so by using the red flashing entity that constantly reappears at 124, and institutes fear in Paul D when he asks, “What kind of evil you got there” (Morrison, 10). Thi shows how he and many others view the color red around the 124 residence. however, the red here can represent the lust between Sethe and Paul D in their first moments interacting. This leads to the when Paul D and Sethe have sex and Paul D repeats “Red heart” representing his true love for Sethe even though earlier in the novel his heart is described as a rusted tin tobacco can. This is unusual for Paul D since he used to keep his emotions to himself and here he is showing affection towards Sethe. Sethe's perception on the color red changes when she experiences the death of her child, and only after this is she constantly fearful of the color. This is because her strongest memories of hues of red were seeing her childs “red baby blood” and the “pink gravestone chips”(Morrison, 47) from her baby’s burial site. These memories stay with her forever and force her to connote the idea of her child's death with the color red. Morrison's use of Red a motif to symbols many emotions can be seen in both a positive and negative way depending on the character's background and past

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